Spanish National Research Council
Acoustic monitoring stations
Polar and Cryospheric Research Infrastructures
Earth Observation satellites
Electrical and Optical Engineering Facilities
Software Service Facilities
Solid Earth Observatories, including Seismological Monitoring Stations
Structural Biology Facilities
Atmospheric Measurement Facilities
Environmental Health Research Facilities
In situ Marine/Freshwater Observatories
Biological and Medical Sciences
Engineering and Energy
Information Science and Technology
Pinger, net sensor, LBL system, USBL system, acoustic modem.
10-foot container laboratories and workshops, 20-foot container laboratories and workshops, deck machinery (A-frame gantries, winches, cranes, outriggers, etc.), other specific facilites (seimic gun array frames, etc.), vehicles management (auxiliary boats, load/unload vehicles).
Core logger.
Physical properties and sediments: multibeam echo sounder for 3D bathymetry, backscatter and morphology, single beam echo sounder, side scan sonar.
Physical properties: CTD and rosette (Niskin bottles) profile systems (up to 6,000 m of cable, and crane), undulating CTD, LADPC, radiometer, oxygen sensor, turbidimeter-nephelometer, phtosynthetically active radiation sensor, transmissometer, bathythermograph, flow meter, transparency sensor; Sediments: sediment trap; Organisms: Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder, Isaacs-Kidd Mid-water Trawl, plankton net, plankton counter recorder, electronic multiple sample net, mesozooplankton net; Fish: fisheries (pelagic and bottom trawling).
Deployment, tracking (using GPS and direction finder devices), and recovery of user drifting buoys.
Physical properties: thermosalinometry, fluorometry, surface sound velocity sensor; Sediments: turbidimeter; Organisms: bongo net.
Physical properties and sediments: multicorer sampling, box corer sampling, gravity corer sampling, piston corer sampling; Organisms: dredging, coring, epibenthic sledge, Agassiz trawl.
Meteorological station and sensors.
Seawater and fresh water analysis: espectrofluorometry, espectrofotometry, citometry and sorting, scintillation counter, titrator, automated analyser, salinometry, fluorometry, etc.; Auxiliar equipment for laboratory: pH meter, centrifuge, vacuum pump, autoclave, thermostatic bath, ultrasonic cleaner, drying oven, culture incubator, freezing facilities, cold laboratory, safety cabinet, laminar air flow module, water purification system, compressed gases distribution system, sea water distribution system, etc.
Physical properties: acoustic current meter, front scan sonar, acoustic monitoring system; Sediments: turbidimeter; Organisms: biological echo sounder (acoustic biomass estimation).
Piston core sampling, drilling, heat flow probe.
Internal training, safety training, technological training for scientists; outreach and dissemination.
Parametric sub-bottom profiler, seismic sources (air gun, sparker, boomer, etc.), seismic reflection sensor (high resolution streamer), seismology and wide angle seismic sensor (OBSs); potential field techniques: gravity meter, magnetometer.
GPS, inertial motion unit, heading sensor, gyroscope, Doppler speed log, echo sounder, navigation system, ECDIS, DP, specific navigation system and integration system.
Operations and working deck for mooring deployment and recovery, landers, tripods, OBSs; acoustic release system.
ROV camera, AUV, adaptative working deck for deep sea ROV operations, dynamic positioning, USBL (underwater position and telemetry).
Design and prototype for new instrumentation and operations (sensor, acquisition system, mechnical design, power supply, data integration and distribution), technological improvements, system integration (innovation), software development, analysis tools development.
Access to certain technologies and laboratories, engineer and technician assistance for experiments and campaigns (on board the ships and in polar facilities), instrumentation management (maintenance, spares and expendables procurement, calibration, adaptation, operation and repair), quality control of data acquisition and integration.
Organisms analysis: Epifluorescence microscope, binocular microscope, scale, fishing hold, fish measuring board, etc. Auxiliar equipment for laboratory: pH meter, centrifuge, vacuum pump, autoclave, thermostatic bath, ultrasonic cleaner, drying oven, culture incubator, freezing facilities, cold laboratory, safety cabinet, laminar air flow module, water purification system, compressed gases distribution system, sea water distribution system, etc.
Shipping of material, mobilisation and demobilisation, engineers and technicians travelling and accomodation, material procurement, supplies, schedulling, customs proceedings, warehouses management.
Acquisition of instrumentation and facility data, data integration, data indexing in the data base engines, mapping the data, GIS tools for indexing the metadata, third-party software tools, own-developed software, data link and communications (e-mail management, internet access, VHF communications, etc.).
Feasibility assessment of a proposed scientific scenario in UTM-CSIC RIs or other research facilities, constraints assessment (technological issues, time requirements, human resources, economic costs, etc.), material supply, resources allocation, installation and adaptation of external user equipment on RI facilities, safety assessment.
Satellite remote sensing.
GPS position ant time, DGPS, RTK, satellite remote sensing.
It meausures the flow current at a specific point.
Sonar used for scanning the water column (it can be used for looking for detecting fish blanks or ice packs).
GPS receiver, including DGPS, RTK monitoring, time-frequency GPS base (disciplined OCXO or rubidium clock), GPS time-tagging, radio modem for transmitting the differential corrections.
It is an instrument for detecting and measuring ionising radiation.
It is a sediment sampler that allows to get multiple samples of the seabed surface at the same time (up 10 cm).
It is an optical instrument that measures the turbidity of a fluid containing suspended particles.
It is a towed data acquisition vehicle that is equipped with a CTD and other oceanographic monitoring equipment, it can include an Optical Plankton Recorder.
It is a navigation aid that uses a computer, motion sensors and rotation sensors to continuously calculate the position, orientation, and velocity a moving object.
It determines the sea surface temperature and conductivity from underway vessels.
An OBS is a seismometer that is designed to record the Earth motion under ocean (from man-made sources and natural sources), the instrument is deployed to reach the sea bottom, it includes an hydrophone, and a acoustic release system.
It is a towed system that is used for creating an image of large areas of the seafloor, it is able to provide differences in material and texture type of the seabed due to its acoustic characteristics.
Echo sounder for punctual depth sampling.
Echo sounder used for acoustic biomass estimation.
It is a biophysical technology employed in cell counting, sorting, biomarker detection and protein engineering, by suspending cells in a stream of fluid and passing them by an electronic detection apparatus.
It is an instrument used for measuring the local gravitational field of the Earth.
It measures conductivity, temperature, depth and it gets seawater samples (Niskin bottles), it can be equipped with other sensors (radiometer, oxygen sensor, turbidimeter-nephelometer, PAR sensor, transmissiometer, etc.).
It is an optical microscope variant designed for low magnification observation of a sample using incident light illumination rather than transillumination (dissection).
It is used to measure the water transparency (i.e. Secchi disc).
It is an electronic system that aids in ship navigation integrating different external sensors.
Fishing gear, including the pelagic trawl doors.
It is an instrument which takes advantage of fluorescent properties of some compounds in order to provide information regarding their concentration and chemical environment in a sample.
It is a sediment sampler that allows minimal disturbance of sediments and a greater sample volume (up to 50-100 cm).
It is an acoustic device used for calculating which is the distance between the instrument lowered with the pinger and the seabed.
It is a long heavy tube plunged into the seafloor to extract samples of mud sediment (up to 15-20 m).
System that integrates the information of two GPS antennas for calculating the true heading of the ship.
Swathe echo sounder for seabed mapping.
It is a plankton multinet sampler that can be used towed or in a vertical profile, the nets can be opened and closed remotely.
LHPR: It is a towed plankton sampling system in which the plankton is collected between two layer of fine gauze.
It is a sediment sampler that gets a simple core of the seabed due to the gravity (up to 3-5 m).
It is a device that converts power into kinetic energy by compressing and pressurising air, it is used for providing compressed air to the air guns.
It is a measuring instrument used to measure the strength of the Earth magnetic field.
Optical microscope that uses fluorescence and phosphorescence in addition to, reflection and absorption to study properties of organic or inorganic substances.
An array of hydrophones at constant intervals that is towed for studying the first sub-bottom layers.
Satellite continuous weather monitoring and high-resolution satellite imagery.
IKMT: It is an oceanography tool used to collect bathypelagic biological specimens larger than those taken by standard plankton nets.
It measures the profile of water current velocities using the Doppler effect: ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), LADCP (Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler).
It is used for measuring parameters of fluorescence of the sea surface water.
It mesaures the sound velocity of the sea surface water.
It is an instrument used to measure the quantity of sinking particulate organic and inorganic material in aquatic systems (usually installed in mooring systems).
It is designed to detect and measure the radiant power of electromagnetic radiation.
It is an instrument for the measurement of the thermal gradient and the thermal conductivity of the seabed.
Acoustic sensor for monitoring the fishing gear (or other instrumentation) towed by the ship.
It is a expendable probe system that is used for obtaining the temperature structure of the ocean (XBTs), it can be also used for the sound velocity structure (XSVs), and for the conductivity and temperature structure (XCTDs).
It is a laboratory method of quantitative chemical analysis that is used to determine the unknown concentration of an identified analyte.
Acoustic multianalyser system that can monitoring the background noise of a certain area by means of high sensitivity hydrophones, conditioning amplifier, power amplifier, spectrum analyser, etc.
An integrator system that is used for triggering and synchronising the air guns, and storing the precise time of the shots.
It is a is a marine electronic device used to measure the speed of a moving vessel.
It is an instrument designed to measure the salinity, or dissolved salt content, of a solution.
Sensors: atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative air humidity, global radiation, wind speed, wind direction, ultraviolet radiation.
It is a large bag made of metal chain links attached to a simple heavy frame that keeps the bag expanded, it is lowered off the back of a ship to the seafloor and dragged along to collect large pieces of rock.
A pneumatic chamber that is pressurised with compressed air (up to 3,000 psi) that is submerged below the water surface, and towed behind a ship to generate a seismic source.
It is a multiple plankton net towed system, the nets can be opened and closed remotely.
It is an oceanographic device for the deployment and subsequent recovery of instrumentation from the sea floor, in which the recovery is triggered remotely by an acoustic command signal.
It is the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength.
It is is a device for measuring the ship orientation.
It utilises the parametric effect to generate a low frequency secondary signal that can penetrate in the first metres of sediment.
Zooplankton net biological sampler.