CReSA High Biosafety Laboratory (IRTA-CReSA)
Core Data
Hosting Legal Entity
Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology
08140 Caldes de Montbui, IRTA, Barcelona (Spain)
Edifici CReSA-Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, CReSA building, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallés), Barcelona, PO: 08193, Catalunya (Spain)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 2005
Being upgraded
since 2006
since 2005
Under construction
since 2003
to 2005
since 1999
to 2003
Scientific Description
Mission and objectives
The Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) was initially a public foundation focused on research, technological development, studies and education in the sphere of animal health, in collaboration with other academic and research institutions, and the private sector. Created in 1999 by initiative of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia (IRTA), was fully integrated in IRTA at January 2015. The CReSA unites the human potential for research in animal health of both founding institutions, and takes advantage of a new technologically advanced building, with level-3 biocontainment (BSL3). The CReSA works to improve animal health and the quality and safety of animal products destined for human consumption. The researchers carry out research into innovative and effective vaccines; they study epidemiology, immune response and pathogenic mechanisms, assess risks for human health and develop standardized models of infection and diagnostic techniques. Besides matters of scientific interest, the studies carried out at the CReSA have different implications for consumers, producers and regulatory institutions. CReSA, from the very beginning was broadly opened to contract with animal health related private companies. The CReSA also conducts actions for the Government of Catalonia. Commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action, the Centre has established plans for the monitoring and control of different diseases. It also collaborates with the Department of Health in the diagnosis of spongiform diseases, in the training and assessment of slaughterhouse vets and also in the virological arthropod vector surveillance.
RI Keywords
Vector competence, Biocontainment, BSL3 sorting, Entomological studies, GLP and GCP animal field studies, Animal facilities
RI Category
Environmental Health Research Facilities
Animal facilities
Safety Handling facilities
Animal facilities
Safety Handling facilities
Scientific Domain
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Health and Food
Biocontainment Unit
Fully equipped Animal biosafety level 3 boxes for experimentation with BSL3 bacteria and viruses.
Entomological Services
Entomological and vectorial competence studies.
BSL3 Cytometer Unit
FACSAria sorter inside ABSL3 facility to handle and sort cells infected with BSL3 pathogens.
Animal field studies
Animal field studies under GLP and GCP regulations.
Viral Validation Unit
Viral validation studies on processes and products.
Biocontainment Unit
Fully equipped Animal biosafety level 3 boxes for experimentation with BSL3 bacteria and viruses.
BSL3 Cytometer Unit
FACSAria sorter inside ABSL3 facility to handle and sort cells infected with BSL3 pathogens.
Additional Data
Zoonoses Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative
Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectious disease research and experimentation
European Network for Animal Disease and Infectiology Research Facilities (NADIR)
EPIZONE European Research Group (ERG)
European Network of Vaccine Research and Development
A Global Alliance for Zika Virus Control and Prevention
Research infrastructures for the control of insect vector-borne diseases