University of Seville
Junta de Andalucia
Spanish National Research Council
Biological and Medical Sciences
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Provides multi-elemental analysis by XRF, Channeling, PIGE, PIXE, RBS and NRA methods for experiments such as material science, archaeology, environmental sciences, irradiation experiments, nuclear physics and nuclear instrumentation.
Associated to AMS, accelerator mass spectrometry, there is a service of 14C dating.
Measurements of the content of Plutonium, Iodine, Beryllium and Carbon isotopes have been performed in environmental and historical samples.
Accelerator used to IBA (Ion Beam Analisys) measurements and radionuclides PET producction.
Equipment used to irradiation of aerospace technology by fotons.
Scanners for Positron Emission Tomography and Computerized Tomography.
Accelerator used to IBA (Ion Beam Analisys) measurements (PIXE, PIGE, NRA, RBS, CHANNELING ).
Accelerator used to long-life radionuclides mass spectrometry (Pu239-240, I129, Ca41, C14, Be10....).
Accelerator used to C14 dating only.