Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis - Trieste (NFFA-Trieste)
Core Data
Hosting Legal Entity
Elettra Synchrotron Light Laboratory
Italian National Research Council
Strada Statale 14, km 163.5, Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, PO: 34149, Trieste (Italy)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2015
Being upgraded since 2015
Scientific Description
Mission and objectives
NFFA-Trieste is an open access facility to perform experiments in nanoscience that involve growth, nano-characterization and spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation, as well as dedicated DFT and simulation. NFFA-Trieste is the first Open Access Station entirely developed in the spirit of NFFA Design Study (FP7) that is to provide integrated services for nanoscience including growth (MBE, PLD, in-UHV depositions) characterization (LEED, MOKE, XPS, AES) and access to state-of-the-art fine analysis (Spin-ARPES, XMCD) at the APE-NFFA laboratory. The Open Access is regulated by an on-line proposal system and international peer-review that will consider NFFA specific projects that need integrated access to several relevant steps in the nanoscience research. An integrated data management and repository is in place for all NFFA-Trieste proposals and experiments. NFFA-Trieste is also accessible via NFFA-Europe H2020 Integrating Action.

RI Keywords
Synchrotron radiation spectroscopy, In-situ growth and analysis, STM, Synthesis and analysis of nanostructures, In-operando analysis, ARPES, DFT calculations, XMCD
RI Category
Micro- and Nanotechnology facilities
Data Archives, Data Repositories and Collections
Scientific Domain
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Access to growth and characterisation facilities

Growtn of metal oxydes and in-situ spin resolved photoemission and XMCD. Suite of UHV stations for MBE (metal oxides), PLD, surface preparation, surface science characterization (LEED, STM) and two spectrometers on variable polarization undulator sources for ARPES (spin resolved) and XAS/XMCD, DFT calculations of electronic/spin structures.

SR beamline and growth systems

Metal Oxide MBE in UHV with atomic absorption calibration, PLD in-situ, Physical Vapour deposition, LEED, Vectorial MOKE, Vectorial Spin Plarization analysis with Mott detectors,STM (RT), Core level Photoemission (100-1500 eV), ARPES (8-90 eV), DFT codes and access to supercomputing.