Research Libraries
Engineering and Energy
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Information Science and Technology
The DOI service at TIB is Germany's first port of call for registering research data, grey literature and articles in open access journals from academic institutions. The service is available to scientific institutions that have their own infrastructure for storing digital objects.
The TIB is developing a web-based platform for audiovisual media in collaboration with the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI). The AV portal will optimise access to and the use of scientific film from the fields of engineering and science. The portal integrates new methods for searching, enabled by an automated video analysis with scene, speech, text and image recognition. The search results are connected to new knowledge by linking the data semantically.
The portal offers services such as access to search and order the TIB's unique collections: leading scientific and technical databases, publishers' services and library catalogues, conference and research reports, patents, standards and dissertations, literature from East Europe and East Asia, knowledge objects such as research data, av media and 3D objects as well as open access publications.
The TIB portal offers free-of-charge searching in the TIB's collection, leading specialised databases, publishers' offers, as well as in the collection of the national libraries for medicine and economics. Over 160 million data sets are available. The integrated delivery or direct access to full texts, research data, audiovisual media and 3D-models enables fast access to subject and research information.