Training Reactor and Associated Laboratories (BME-TR)
Core Data
Hosting Legal Entity
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Műegyetem rkp. 9., Budapest, PO: 1111 (Hungary)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 1971
Scientific Description
Mission and objectives
The Nuclear Training Reactor is a 100 kW thermal power, graphite and light water moderated, pool type nuclear reactor. Neutron and gamma irradiation can be performed using 20 vertical irradiation channels, 5 horizontal beam tubes, two pneumatic rabbit systems and a large irradiation tunnel. The facility has physics, radiochemical laboratories equipped with alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray spectrometers. The reactor's radiation monitoring system is supplemented by an environmental monitoring system and a set of special detector systems in a low background laboratory. There are dedicated laboratories for thermohydraulic measurements having importance for the nuclear industry. The thermohydraulic, neutron and radiation simulation codes are running on a computer cluster.
RI Keywords
Thermohydraulic simulation, Thermohydraulic laboratory, Neutron and radiation simulation, Nuclear reactor, Radiochemical laboratotry, Irradiation, Education, Environmental monitoring, Radiation monitoring
RI Category
Analytical Facilities
Safety Handling facilities
In situ Earth Observatories
Nuclear Research Facilities
Safety Handling facilities
In situ Earth Observatories
Nuclear Research Facilities
Scientific Domain
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Earth and Environmental Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Access to research equipment, access to monitoring systems, access to research facilities, planning of experiments, measurements, consultancy, education programmes