Large Heavy Ion National Accelerator (GANIL SPIRAL2)
Core Data
Hosting Legal Entity
Commisssariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, PO: 91191, Ile-de-France (France)
Boulevard Henri Becquerel, Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds, Caen, PO: 14076, Basse-Normandie (France)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2019
Being upgraded since 2015 to 2019
Operational since 1976 to 2046
Scientific Description
Mission and objectives
GANIL (Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds) was created, on equal terms, by funding agencies which have collaborated towards its construction and operation: CEA/DSM and CNRS/IN2P3. Its legal form is a Group of Economical Interest (GIE).The CEA and CNRS are the two parent institutions of the GANIL laboratories. The region of Basse-Normandie supported this project with a substantial funding required for the construction. The decision to start the project was in August 1975, and the first experiment was carried out in January 1983. Since the very beginning, GANIL has actively participated in European projects with many cooperations with laboratories from the European Union and beyond. GANIL is one of the five largest laboratories in the world dedicated to research using ion beams. The fields of experimentation range from radiotherapy to physics of the atom and its nucleus, from condensed matter to astrophysics. In nuclear physics, work at GANIL has led to numerous discoveries related to the atomic nucleus, to its thermal and mechanical properties, and to so-called exotic nuclei, which do not exist naturally on Earth. Tomorrow's physics is under construction at GANIL. The future SPIRAL2 linear accelerator will produce light and heavy exotic nuclei at extremely high intensities. These entirely new particle beams will make it possible to explore the boundaries of matter. GANIL-SPIRAL2 is a project on the ESFRI Roadmap of Research Infrastructures (RIs) of pan-European interest.

RI Keywords
Nuclear thermodynamics, Interdisciplinary research, Nuclear structure, Astrophysics, Exotic nuclei
RI Category
Nuclear Research Facilities
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
International Cooperation

User support.

User Support

User support provided by technical and administrative services

Computational Resources

User support.

Industry Relations

User support.

Access to Accelerator

Access to the facility.

3 cyclotrons

Acceleration of stable ion beams.

11 experimental areas

Various spectrometers and detectors.

1 cyclotron SPIRAL

Post-acceleration of radioactive ion beams.

Additional Data
RI is an ESFRI landmark