Newcastle University
United Kingdom
Earth, Ocean, Marine, Freshwater, and Atmosphere Data Centres
Biological/Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology/Nanotechnology Research Facilities
Biological and Medical Sciences
This time series was established in 1969. We sample plankton monthly at a site of 55m depth, five nautical miles of the Northumberland coast (550 07’N 001020’W). We use three mesh sizes: WP-3 (1mm mesh) towed obliquely WP-2 (200µm mesh) deployed in 4 vertical hauls from 50m to surface ‘fine-mesh’ conical net (65µm mesh) deployed in 4 vertical hauls from 50m to surface and pooled We preserve the samples in 4% buffered formaldehyde for storage, and subsequently transferred to 70% ethanol for processing. The physical samples are stored at the Dove Marine Laboratory. The time series was established as a zooplankton monitoring programme, and the methodology reflects this. However, the preserved samples are analysed semi-quantitatively (M Baptie) to determine long term changes in phytoplankton community composition. Both zooplankton and phytoplankton assemblages exhibit long term changes in community structure and indicators of environmental change.
This time series was established in 1971. The benthic time series is currently supported and co-funded jointly with University of Liverpool. Samples are taken at two sites 2-4 times per year, but sampling was more frequent (up to 30 grabs per year) in the early years of the programme. Replicate 0.1m2 grabs are sieved over a 0.5mm mesh and the residue fixed in 4% buffered formalin. Physical samples have not been stored after identification and processing. We have detected a number of marked shifts in community assemblage composition in these samples. Station P: Located 18.5km off the Northumberland coast, at a depth of 80m (55° 07? N, 01° 15? W). Station M1: Located 10.5km off the Northumberland coast at a depth of 55m.
measuring 2m in diameter and 1m high for large scale experiments in the main aquarium
with a water depth of 3m with continuous water circulation
measuring 1m x 1m x 2.5m designed for smaller tank experiments which require the control of temperature (3-20°) and photoperiod