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Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ)
Hosting Legal Entity
Leibniz Association
Inhoffenstraße 7, Braunschweig, PO: 38124 (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1969
Scientific Description
The Leibniz-Institute DSMZ–German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures is an establishment of the Leibniz Association, and with its comprehensive scientific services and broad spectrum of biological materials has been a worldwide partner for research and industry for decades. As one of the largest biological resource centres of its kind, the DSMZ was confirmed as compliant with the globally accepted quality standard ISO 9001:2008. As a patent depository, the DSMZ offers the singular possibility throughout the whole of Germany to gather biological material according to the requirements of the Budapest Treaty. Aside from the scientific service, the collection-based research forms the second pillar of the DSMZ. The collection, with headquarters in Braunschweig, has existed for 42 years and houses more than 32,000 cultures and biomaterials. The DSMZ is the most diverse collection worldwide: in addition to fungi, yeasts, bacteria and archaea, human and animal cell cultures as well plant viruses and plant cell cultures are researched and archived there.

RI Keywords
Most comprehensive culture collection, Next generation sequencing platform, Microbiological biodiversity
RI Category
Collections of Biological Resources (e.g. Microorganisms, Biobanks and Seed Banks)
Scientific Domain
Biological and Medical Sciences
Services - Microorganisms

Identification of microorganisms; bacterial genomic DNA.


Deposit in the Open Collection Patent deposit Safe deposit.

Services - Plant Cell Lines

Callus and Suspension Cultures Cryopreservation methods.

Services - Plant Viruses

Plant Virus Diagnosis Plant Virus Disease Clinic.

Services Human and Animal Cell Lines

Speciation of Animal Cell Lines Authentication of Human Cell Lines by DNA Typing Online STR Analysis Mycoplasma Detection Mycoplasma Elimination Virus Testing.


MALDI-TOF MS (matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry) allows after a simple sample preparation the recording of mass spectra of large biomolecules (mainly ribosomal proteins) which are specific to the microorganism under study. These mass spectrometric fingerprints are used for the reliable identification of bacteria, yeasts and fungi by comparison with reference databases. This method is a promising alternative to microbiological techniques for identification at the species level because it is automated, fast, cost-efficient and suited for highthroughput routine analyses.

Next Generation Sequencing Platform (PACBio RS)

The PACBio-sequencer is a device with a high sequencing yield, able to perform sequencing on a single molecule basis without additional amplification steps. In addition it can produce long read lengths of 3,100 bp and 15,000 bp (maximum read length) in the genome regions. The new device (PacBio RS System) was introduced to the market by Pacific Biosciences, a technology company in Menlo Park, California, USA, in April 2011.

Flow Cytometry & Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)

Flow Cytometry and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) represents a fast and reliable method for characterizing and isolating certain cell subpopulations based on fluorescent labeling, and can be applied to a great variety of organisms and cell types, including prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic cells.

Common Access to Biotechnological Resources and Information (CABRI)
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN)
GBIF Nodes Network
Date of last update: 04/05/2018
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