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Analytical and Biological Chemical Research Facility (ABCRF)
Hosting Legal Entity
University College Cork
College Road, University College, Cork, Cavanagh Pharmacy Building, Cork (Ireland)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 2006
Scientific Description
The ABCRF occupies 1200m2 in the Cavanagh Pharmacy Building (CPB) (ca. €5.2M capital investment), consisting of research laboratories for Biochemistry, Analytical and BioAnalytical Chemistry and Synthetic (Organic, Medicinal, Pharmaceutical, BioInorganic) Chemistry, and instrument rooms for large infrastructural equipment (LC-MS and NMR in basement, PXRD and single crystal X-ray diffraction in a dedicated Solid State Pharmaceuticals lab on the 2nd floor) and associated office and write-up space. A strategic decision was made at the outset of the building design to co-locate the ABCRF Biochemistry lab in the 1st floor with the Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutics research teams of the School of Pharmacy, and to co-locate the ABCRF Chemistry labs with the Pharmaceutical Chemistry research teams of the School of Pharmacy on the 2nd floor of the CPB, with shared central facilities such as cold rooms, utility areas, board room etc to encourage interaction and collaboration between the ABCRF and SOP researchers. As the ABCRF researchers are mainly based in the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, while the School of Pharmacy is in the College of Medicine and Health, the CPB is one of the major buildings at the interface between the two Colleges.
RI Keywords
Analysis, Biology, Interdisciplinarity, Synthesis, Chemistry
RI Category
Structural Biology Facilities
Analytical Facilities
Genomic, Transcriptomic, Proteomics and Metabolomics Facilities
Analytical Facilities
Genomic, Transcriptomic, Proteomics and Metabolomics Facilities
Scientific Domain
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Health and Food
Mass Spectrometry
Access to NMR Spectrometers
Date of last update: 30/11/2017