Graz University of Technology
Micro- and Nanotechnology facilities
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Teaching of courses at the TUGraz, training and user support for other research institutes and companies.
Atomic Force Microscope AFM Veeco (ID 1550)
Focused Ion Beam microscope (FIB) FEI Nanolab Nova 200 (ID 1548)
Transmission Electron Microscope Philips CM20 (ID 1544); Scanning Electron Microscope, FEG-SEM Zeiss DSM982 (ID 1545); Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope TEM Tecnai F20 (ID 1546); Transmission Electron Microsope TEM FEI T12 (ID 1549); Austrian Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (ASTEM) FEI Titan 60-300 (ZFE); Analytical Scanning Electron Microscope Zeiss Ultra 55 (ZFE).
Raman microscope (ID 1551)