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Centre of Excellence for Low-Carbon Technologies (CO NOT)
Hosting Legal Entity
Self-standing RI
Hajdrihova 19, Center odličnosti nizkoogljične tehnologije / Centre of Excellence for Low-Carbon Technologies, Ljubljana, PO: 1000 (Slovenia)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2007
Scientific Description
CoE LCT wants to unite all the vital Slovenian potential in order to enable the harmonious, comprehensive and systematic development of advanced technologies designed to facilitate Slovenia’s transformation into a low-carbon society.A systematic transformation into a low-carbon society can be very complex. The majority of the partners involved are driving forces in their respective fields, not just in Slovenia but also from a European and even a world perspective. The CoE will by all means remain open for any new partners and support the possibility of joint project applications with outside partners, either in the Slovenian or in the international framework.The ultimate goal of CoE LCT is to expand its activities to cover the entire Slovenian society. This goal is actually a necessity since fossil fuel supplies are limited. It is more than reasonable to rapidly pursue the development of alternatives today.CoE is a proud member of The Global Compact initiative.

RI Keywords
Hydrogen technologies, Lithium technologies, Low carbon technologies
RI Category
Energy Engineering Facilities (non nuclear)
Scientific Domain
Engineering and Energy
ESFRI Domain
Basic equipment

Atomic force microscope, VEECO ; Atomic force microscope, Agilent ; FE-SEM microscope SUPRA ; X-ray beamlines for x-ray absorption ; spectrometry in the synchrotron laboratories of ; ELETTRA in Trieste and HASYLAB in Hamburg ; (free access to measuring equipment) ; GC-MS Agilent Technologies 7890A GC, 5975C ; MSD ; HP 6890 gas chromatograph with ECD and FID ; detector ; HPLC-MS /MS (Perkin Elmer Series 2000, ; Applied Biosystems 3200 Q Trap) ; ICP-MS-LA, Agilent 7500 CE &CS - UP-213 ; (shared with the National Institute of Chemistry) ; FTIR, Perkin Elmer 1000, ADS Labspec 5000 ; IR spectrometer ; FT-NIR-MidIR-IR Perkin Elmer GX with a DRIFT ; NIR cell ; FAAS-ETAAS Perkin Elmer, Perkin Elmer ; AAnalyst 600 AAS spectrometer ; X-ray powder diffractometer - PANalytical ; X'Pert PRO MPD ; FT-IR spectrometer – Perkin Elmer Spectrum ; 100 ; UV/Vis spectrophotometer – Varian Cary 50 ; CONC ; Bruker IFS 66/S FT-IR spectrometer (L02) ; Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 UV/VIS/NIR ; spectrophotometer (L02) ; VNM 400l salt spray test chamber ; measuring equipment (primarily ; one-dimensional measurements – linear ; encoders) ; FISCHERSCOPE XDL for x-ray measuring of ; galvanic coatings ; Cleanroom ; Photolithography equipment ; X-ray diffractometer CubiX PRO (by PANalytic) ; AREAMAT for determining the specific surface ; area of materials (by BRUKER) ; Pyris 1 differential dynamic calorimeter (Perkin ; Elmer) (L07) ; Spectrum one FTIR spectrometer (L07) ; Liquid chromatograph with an ELS detector ; (L07) ; Determining organic carbon (TOC) in liquid and ; solid samples (catalysts) (L13) ; Determining the specific surface area and ; chemisorption of solid samples (catalysts) ; (L13) ; X-ray powder diffractometer - PANalytical ; X'Pert PRO MPD ; X-ray powder diffractometer - PANalytical ; X'Pert PRO (HTK) ; 300 MHz NMR spectrometer ; 600 MHz NMR spectrometer ; NEXA 1kW PEM fuel cell system ; Metal hydride storage ; Measuring equipment, small hardware ; (pressure sensor, flow sensor, H2 sensor, ; continuous valve, on/off valve, computer ; hardware and software for measurements) ; Magtrol HD-715-8NA dynamometer ; (Laboratory for Measuring Torque ; Characteristics) ; Software: Pulse (Laboratory for Measuring ; Noise and Vibration) ; Magtrol 2WB-115 dynamometer (Laboratory ; for Measuring Torque Characteristics) ; Temperature shock chamber (Climate ; Laboratory) ; Mbraun dry box ; ICP-MS HP (Agilent) 4500 (shared with the ; National Institute of Chemistry) ; Capillary electrophoresis – Applied ; Biosystems, 270A-HT ; M283, M273 potentiostat/galvanostat, ; polarographs, coulometer, EG&G PARC ; Ion chromatograph – Dionex LC20 ; Autotitrator, Metrohm – Tinet, FIA system for ; FF viscometry ; Spectrophotometer (PE, Varian Cary 50), ; Minolta colorimeter, luminometer, PAS ; Climatic test chamber (Voetsch, 3X) ; Zymark Prelude robot system ; Modular thermal analysis system – Mettler, ; modules: TGA/SDTA 851, HP DSC 827, DSC ; 822, TG 50, DSC 20 ; Modular thermal analysis system – Perkin ; Elmer, modules: TGA 7, DTA 7. ; Two HPLC chromatographs - Knauer ; FT-IR spectrometer – Perkin Elmer 2000 ; UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer – Perkin ; Elmer Lambda 19 ; Bruker Avance 300DPX NMR spectrometer ; System 2000 FT-IR and Raman spectrometer ; (L02)

New equipment

Catalytic reactor ; Gas chromatograph ; Dynamic mechanical analyser - DMA ; High-pressure vol. adsorp. analyser ; Modular thermal analysis system ; EGA device with measuring modules ; FEG SEM electron microscope ; A developmental software environment for simulating and developing advanced ; regulationsolutions and software for fuel cell system control ; A developmental environment for developing and testing fuel cell system subassemblies, ; incl. measuring, regulation, control, electronic equipment and hardware and software for ; the demonstration project ; Multichannel automated system for testing primary, secondary and hybrid battery systems ; Motor with PEM medium-power fuel cells ; Device for determining the specific surface area in composites

European Institute of Innovation and Technology Knowledge and Innovation Community (EIT Climate-KIC)
Date of last update: 23/08/2019
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