German Aerospace Center
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Control and measurement equipment is housed in an adjoining room close to the feed slide on the first floor level. A 4-port Rohde & Schwarz ZVA network analyser is used as RF-source and LO oscillator. The high measurement accuracy and fast sweep time enhance the capability of the CTR. It is placed in the control room close to the feed slide system. To change the feed antenna two stacked linear slides are available for comfortable feed antenna handling. The antenna itself is mounted on a polarisation turntable. Measurements are controlled by the control, post-processing and analysis software tool ARCS V3.5. The software is running on two identical quad-core personnel computers for reliability and data handling during data acquisition. The DLR TechLab building accomodates all hardware activities and all measurement chambers of the HR Institute. Specified by the Institute, the facility was assembled by March Microwave Systems B.V. into the “TechLab” building. in 2009 The ambient hall is designed to house the shielded, anechoic chamber. For the comfort of the user, the complete infrastructure facilities of the building are available. Owner of the system is the German Aerospace Center (DLR). System operations are under the responsibility of the Microwaves and Radar Institute (DLR-HR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.