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Austro-Czech Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Center (RERI-uasb NMR)
Hosting Legal Entity
Self-standing RI
Legal Status
University or higher education institution
Altenberger Street 69, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, PO: 4040, Upper Austria (Austria)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Participating Countries
Czech Republic
Current Status:
Operational since 2011
Scientific Description
The idea of a bilateral Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Center for solid and solution state spectroscopy arose through the collaboration between scientists of JKU and the University of South Bohemia in 2004. It was realized through a joint project within the ETC Austria - Czech Republic 2007-2013 programme of the European Union (EU) between the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) and the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB) “Cooperative Regional Research Infrastructure for Molecular Science and Technology” (RERI-uasb).The NMR Center is co-financed with the European Union from the European Region Development Fund and operated jointly by both universities.

RI Keywords
Nuclear magnetic resonance, Magic angle spinning, Cryo-probe, Sample changer
RI Category
Analytical Facilities
Structural Biology Facilities
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Biological and Medical Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences

Basic and advanced NMR training.

Access to Spectrometers

Three superconducting magnets with field strengths of 7.0 T, 11.7 T and 16.4 T and a variety of probes are operating at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at JKU Linz. They are available and used for research and teaching by both universities.

500 MHz NMR Spectometer

Bruker AVIII 500 instrument for solids and liquids.

300 MHz NMR Spectrometer

Bruker AVIII 300 with sample changer for routine liquids expertiments.

700 MHz NMR spectrometer

Bruker AVIII 700 for biomolecules and polymers with a cryo-probe (TCI).

Users Definition
Date of last update: 23/04/2019
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