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ATHENA Research and Innovation Information Technologies (ATHENA RIC)
Hosting Legal Entity
Self-standing RI
Artemidos 6 & Epidavrou, Athena Research Center - headquarters, Marousi, PO: 15125, Attica (Greece)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Provider Country:
ATHENA Research Center - headquarters | Environmental and Networking Technologies and Applications (ENTA) | Industrial Systems Institute (ISI) | Information Management Systems Institute (ISM) | Institute of Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) | Institute of Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) | Robot Perception and Interaction Unit (RPI) | Space Program Unit (SPU)
Current Status:
Operational since 2003
Scientific Description
The mission of Athena RIC is to conduct outstanding research in Informatics and Computational Sciences and to ensure this research has an impact on society, tackling global challenges and addressing local needs. Athena RC studies a broad spectrum of research issues within these fields, including some raised by other sciences, industrial applications, or societal challenges.

RI Keywords
Modelling, Signal processing, Automation design, Computer Science, Data science, Networking, Robotics, Information and Communication Technology, Artificial intelligence, Computational science
RI Category
Communication Networks
Complex Data Facilities
Scientific Domain
Information Science and Technology
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Archaeometry and physicochemical measurements; multimedia processing and production

Digital imaging, image analysis and surface analysis, a fully equipped laboratory for sample preparation and pre-processing involving new-technology laboratory ovens, furnaces and microwave sample digestion systems.

Date of last update: 16/05/2019
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