University of Bergen
Research Archives
Research Libraries
Menota can now offer over 40 Medieval Nordic texts (around 1.7 million words), several of which are fully lemmatised. The majority of the texts are Old Icelandic or Old Norwegian, but there are also some Old Swedish texts. Old Danish texts as well as Latin ones (from the Nordic countries) are most welcome. A catalogue with full search facilities was opened on 29 June 2007. The texts have been encoded on one or more levels. The most widely used level is the diplomatic level (as seen in many Arnamagnæan editions), while some texts have also been encoded on a facsimile level (i.e. in a very close transcription) and some on a normalised level (as in the Íslenzk fornrit series). These levels are specified under Facs, Dipl and Norm in the catalogue. By clicking the file name in the second column of the catalogue, you will be able to read the text on one or more levels, depending on how many levels have been encoded.
Menota now publishes translations of Medieval Nordic texts. At first, two texts are offered, Jóns saga helga and Niðrstigningar saga, but we soon hope to welcome more translations in the archive. The translations will be published in open CC licenses. For the time being, they will be published in PDF.