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National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)
Hosting Legal Entity
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories
Wilhelmsplatz 3, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Bamberg, PO: 96047 (Germany)
Wilhelmsplatz 3, Wilhelmspost, Bamberg, PO: 96047, Bavaria (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 2009
Scientific Description
The target activity of the NEPS is to collect longitudinal data on the development of competencies, educational processes, educational decisions, and returns to education in formal, nonformal, and informal contexts throughout the life span and to make them available to the scientific community.The NEPS offers three modes of access to the research data: download from the NEPS website, modern remote-access technology (RemoteNEPS), and on-site access. For all three modes of data access it is necessary to sign the relevant data use agreements. From August 2011 to January 2019, over 2,000 researchers from 28 countries used NEPS data.
RI Keywords
Lifelong learning, Paneldata, Education, Life-course research
RI Category
Research Data Service Facilities
Complex Data Facilities
Data Archives, Data Repositories and Collections
Complex Data Facilities
Data Archives, Data Repositories and Collections
Scientific Domain
Social Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Social and Cultural Innovation
Microdata for social sciences
Data from six panel studies and two additonal studies; thorough documentation; easy-to-use tools for searching, retrieving and preparing the data; regular on-site user trainings; user support via e-mail and hotline; three modern means of data access: download, RemoteNEPS, onsite.
Server system
Used for remote data access.
Date of last update: 22/02/2019