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Doñana Biological Reserve (RBD)
Hosting Legal Entity
Spanish National Research Council
c/ Americo Vespucio, Seville, PO: 41092, Andalucia (Spain)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1990
Scientific Description
Since its creation ,the Doñana Biological Reserve (RBD-CSIC) is in charge of the administration and management of part of the Doñana protected area. The RBD is responsible for coordinating all research projects undertaken in the Doñana Natural Area (currently 106,047 ha) and for the execution of the Monitoring Programme of Doñana. Since 2006, the RBD has been considered as a Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (ICTS-RBD) by the Spanish Ministry responsible for Science and Innovation. This responsibility is supported by a team of about 40 technicians, assistants and managers, 20 for monitoring of natural resources and 20 for maintenance of the field stations.

RI Keywords
Monitoring, Endangered species, Conservation biology, Protected area, RAMSAR, LTER, Ecology, Wetlands, Biodiversity, World heritge site, Coastal areas
RI Category
Natural History Collections
Scientific Domain
Earth and Environmental Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Acces and field orientation

Assistance for processing the required permits to access the protected area and to take biotic samples. Access to biotic and abiotic data of the site, collected within the long-term monitoring program. Logistic assistance and field orientation. Access to exhaustive data basis on publications and former projects of the site.

Other facilities

Facilities at the EBD-CSIC include several laboratories to implement techniques required in current ecological studies. Laboratory of Molecular Ecology. GIS and Remote Sensing. Aquatic Ecology. Chemical Ecology. Ecophysiology and Stable Isotopes.

Field Facilities

Basic laboratories for sample processing and temporal storage. Library and computer services. Free accommodation (subject to availability). Vehicles and horses (subject to availability). Meal service (cost price).

Date of last update: 17/03/2017
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