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Saclay Laser-Matter Interaction Centre (LIDYL/SLIC)
Hosting Legal Entity
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Gif-sur-yvette cedex, PO: 91191 (Undefined)
CEA Saclay, Bâtiment 603 - Point Courrier 112, Gif Sur Yvette, PO: 91191 (France)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2003
Scientific Description
The Saclay Laser-Matter Interaction Centre (Lasers Femtosecondes Intenses) LIDYL/SLIC is a laser research infrastructure located on the Saclay research centre of the CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives) in France. Activities at LIDYL/SLIC are focused on the fundamental physics and chemistry at work in light-matter interaction. The research programs encompass studies of coherent, atto to picosecond ultrafast electronic/nuclear dynamics in systems ranging from simple molecules over complex (bio) molecular systems up to plasmas. LIDYL/SLIC houses ultrafast (25-50fs) laser facilities featuring ultra-high intensities at ultra-high temporal contrast (UHI100 facility), high intensities at high repetition rate (PLFA facility) and secondary femto/atto XUV beamlines (LUCA and PLFA facilities). A major upgrade of PLFA into two laser beam lines (15W@1 kHz and 20W@10kHz, CEP, <20 fs) is planned in 2015. Advanced set-ups are available for experiments in femtochemistry in both gas and liquid phases, solid-state, highly nonlinear to relativistic optics and plasma physics. SLIC also develops ultrashort, intense laser sources and diagnostics, often in collaboration with industrial partners. LIDYL/SLIC is a partner of the LASERLAB-EUROPE consortium ( and offers access to its facilities to European scientists through the Transnational Access programme of LASERLAB-EUROPE.

RI Keywords
Laser-solid interaction at high intensity, Organic femtochemistry in gas and liquid phases, Ultrafast lasers and diagnostics.
RI Category
Intense Light Sources
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Access to SLIC experimental workstations associated with intense femtosecond lasers

External scientists can have access to LIDYL/SLIC installations to carry out experiments in femtochemistry in both gas and liquid phases, the solid-state, highly nonlinear to relativistic optics and plasma physics. European scientists can apply for access to SLIC installations via the LASERLAB-EUROPE Transnational access programme (

Comprehensive line of experimental workstations for ultrafast photoscience studies

Experimental set-ups for laser driven proton and ion acceleration including a full set of diagnostics for detection and characterization (spatial and energy distribution features); femto/attosecond XUV beamlines based on High Harmonic Generation; femtochemistry workstation with a versatile molecular beam source associated to a Velocity Map Imaging device and a Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer; platform based on the upconversion technics for time-resolved fluorescence experiments in the condensed phase; solid state physics workstation based on Fourier transform interferometry for time resolved studies of electronic excitation and relaxation dynamics in dielectrics at high laser intensity.

Date of last update: 22/02/2019
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