French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Gif-sur-yvette cedex, PO: 91191 (Undefined)
Chemistry and Material Sciences
External scientists can have access to LIDYL/SLIC installations to carry out experiments in femtochemistry in both gas and liquid phases, the solid-state, highly nonlinear to relativistic optics and plasma physics. European scientists can apply for access to SLIC installations via the LASERLAB-EUROPE Transnational access programme (
Experimental set-ups for laser driven proton and ion acceleration including a full set of diagnostics for detection and characterization (spatial and energy distribution features); femto/attosecond XUV beamlines based on High Harmonic Generation; femtochemistry workstation with a versatile molecular beam source associated to a Velocity Map Imaging device and a Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer; platform based on the upconversion technics for time-resolved fluorescence experiments in the condensed phase; solid state physics workstation based on Fourier transform interferometry for time resolved studies of electronic excitation and relaxation dynamics in dielectrics at high laser intensity.