Basque Energy Agency
Alameda de Urquijo 36, Edificio Plaza Bizkaia, Bilbao, PO: 48011, Basque Country (Spain)
Engineering and Energy
The facility is offered by experienced researchers with a long track record in research and testing, backed up by internal technical support.
1 Onshore Substation with protections and measurement instrumentation for each berth: 20 MW transformer, connected to 132 kV grid.
Sea Surface = 5.2 km2.
Closest point to land = 1.7km.
Water depth = 50-90 m.
1 Met-ocean Buoy (since Feb. 2009).
4 Berths & Subsea Lines, 13.2 kV/5 MW.
Researchand Data Center with bimep's researchers and room for developers.
vMonitoring and control system (SCADA).
Overall power = 20 MW.
Energy Flux = 21 kW/m.
7 Navigational Marking Buoys.