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National Infrastructure in Metabolomics & Fluxomics (MetaboHUB)
Hosting Legal Entity
French National Institute for Agricultural Research
71 Rue Édouard Bourlaux, INRA, Villenave-d'Ornon, PO: 33140 (France)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2017
Scientific Description
MetaboHUB is devoted to research in metabolomics and fluxomics. It provides tools and services to academic research teams and industrial partners in the fields of nutrition and health, agriculture and biotechnologies.MetaboHUB has five main objectives: (i) to provide high-throughput, quantitative technologies for biochemical phenotyping of large sets of samples and for systems biology, (ii) to identify metabolites in human biofluids, plants, microorganisms and animal cell extracts, through the implementation and maintenance of centralized and open spectral repositories for metabolome annotations, (iii) to develop large-scale flux profiling and sub-cellular fluxomics through integration of analytical data from multiple analytical devices, (iv) to provide access to high-impact services to the national scientific community and industrial actors, (v) to attract a new generation of scientists and users through the promotion of metabolomics in education and the organization of training courses.

RI Keywords
Health, Biotechnology, Plant biology, NMR technology, Microbiology, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Systems biology, MS technology, Nutrition, Fluxomics, Metabolomics, Integrative biology, Sustainable development
RI Category
Data Mining and Analysis (Methodological) Centers, including statistical analysis
Analytical Facilities
Data Archives, Data Repositories and Collections
Bio-informatics Facilities
Micro- and Nanotechnology facilities
Structural Biology Facilities
Agronomy, Forestry, Plant Breeding Centres
Systems Biology/Computational Biology Facilities
Scientific Domain
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Health and Food
Isotopic Enrichment Measurement and Fluxomics

Fatty acids, amino acids, intracellular metabolites.

Access to Data Processing Tools

W4M, PeakForest, NMRProcFlow, BioStatFlow, MetExplore.

Metabolite Identification and Quantification

Lipids, intracellular metabolites, extracellular metabolites, xenobiotics, drugs.

Metabolic Profiling

Lipids, amino acids, peptides, untargeted.

Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry System (GC-MS)

Different kinds of MS instruments equipped with electron ionization (EI) and chemical ionization (CI) sources, with analyzers such as single quadrupole, triple quadrupole, isotopic ratio MS (IRMS) and time of flight MS (Q-Tof). The GC-MS system has: (i) the ability to handle many different biological matrices with dedicated sample preparation methods, (ii) the possibility to perform data acquisition on a large panel of GC-MS instruments, (iii) the availability of complementary GC-MS methods to perform both lipidomics, fluxomics targeted and untargeted metabolomics approaches, as well as structural studies for biomarker identification.

Data Management Tools

8 servers and 2 databases.

Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry System (LC-MS)

Different kinds of MS instruments such as Q-TOF, LTQ-Orbitrap, Exactive, Q-Exactive and FTICR-MS. The LC-MS system has: (i) the ability to handle many different biological matrices using appropriate sample preparation methods, (ii) the possibility to perform data acquisition on a large panel of HRMS and LC/MS instruments, (iii) the availability of complementary direct introduction and LC-MS methods allowing the profiling of to profile metabolites of very high to intermediate polarity.

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography System (HPLC)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometers

Five NMR magnets, from 500 to 800 MHz, some using a cryoprobe to increase sensitivity.

Robots for High Througput Sampling Preparation
Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography System (UPLC)
European Plant Phenotyping Network (EPPN)
Date of last update: 19/03/2019
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