University of Lisbon
Av. Rovisco Pais, MicroLab-Tecnico, Campus Alameda, Lisboa, PO: 1049-001, Grande Lisboa (Portugal)
Earth, Ocean, Marine, Freshwater, and Atmosphere Data Centres
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
% chemical elements :C,N,H,S.
δ18O and δ2H analysis of carbonate, water or other fluids. δ13C and δ18O in carbonates.
Training in SIL operation and results obtained - Researchers, Technicians and MSc or PhD students.
Organic and Inorganic Volatile Compounds Analysis.
Gas Chromatograph (GC), Perkin Elmer, CLARUS 500 with TCD and FID detectors. Organic and Inorganic volatile and semi-volatile compounds analysis.
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS): MS Solutions, IsoTope, UK Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS), Dual Inlet Mode, equipped with a minimum of four Faraday collectors, Mass range of 1 to 70 AMU. Interfaces for the input of reference gases. Compatibility with a laser fluorination system for oxygen-isotope analysis in silicate and oxide minerals.
Elemental Analyser, EuroVector, Euro EA 3000 . Determination of % of chemical elements (C, H, N, S).
ISOCARB VG ISOTECH Limited - Capability to perform high-precision isotope analyses (C and O) in very small samples of carbonate minerals ( 100 µg).
Capability to perform high-precision isotopic analyses (C and O) in small samples of carbonate minerals.Allows sequential semi-automatic extraction of carbon from the different carbonate phases. Perform high-precision H and O isotopes analyses in small samples of water.