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Laboratories for the Characterisation and Study of Monumental and Other Building Materials (LEDRA Labs)
Hosting Legal Entity
University of Cyprus
University of Cyprus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Temporary Lab Premises, Arsalides Building, Strovolos Industrial Area, Nicosia, Strovolos (Cyprus)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2010
Scientific Description
Ledra laboratory for the characterisation of traditional building materials was established in 2008 through the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation fully funded research program ΝΕΑ ΥΠΟΔΟΜΗ/ΝΕΚΥΠ/0308/17, which was coordinated by the University of Cyprus. The project, which aimed at characterising the monumental materials (mortars, mud bricks, natural stones etc) of Cyprus, was also supported by the Departments of Antiquities and Town Planning and Housing and a private construction company (ANADOMI Ltd).The lab is fully equipped with state-of-the-art analytical equiment for the physico-chemical and mechanical characterisation of materials. It houses a Bruker D8 Advance XRD which may be used for qualitative and quantitative mineralogical analyses, an ED-XRF for chemical analyses, a Schimadzu DTA-TG for thermal analyses, a DRMS for micro destructive in-situ and laboratory mechanical tests, a MIP, a stereoscope, a polarising optical microscope and a SEM-EDS.The aforementioned equipment is used in ongoing studies aiming at the reproduction of traditional materials using reverse engineering and the characterisation of compatible materials for restoration works. The reseach currently focuses on lime and gypsum mortars, building and decorative stones and mud bricks. The ultimate aim of the program is the establishment of a database with the characteristics of local traditional materials

RI Keywords
Mix design, Testing, X-ray fluorescence analysis, Stones, Mercury intrusion porosimetry, TG-DTA, Mud bricks, SEM/EDX, Microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, Mortars, Reproduction, Physicochemical and mechanical analysis
RI Category
Civil Engineering Research Infrastructures
Analytical Facilities
Materials Synthesis or Testing Facilities
Scientific Domain
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Non-destructive tests
Pilot applications and monitoring
In-situ tests and monitoring
User Support and Training
Sample preparation and handling
Access to equipment
Mix design and production of repair materials
Sample analysis/testing
Mortar mixers
MIP - Mercury Intrusiobn Porosimeter
XRF - X-Ray Fluorescent Analyser
Grinders/Crushers/Milling machines
Environmental Chambers
Non-destructive equipment
Pull-out tester
Scratch tool
DRMS - Drilling Resistance Measurement System
XRD - X-Ray Diffractometer
Materials Testing Machines
Polarising Microscope
TG-DTA - Thermal Analyser
Date of last update: 12/09/2018
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