Vilnius University
Biological and Medical Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Quantum Electronics (High intensity fields and nonlinear optics) (OPCPA testing, Femtosecond filamentation in solids and liquids, Spatio-temporal characterization of light wave packets, Generation of nondiffracting and nondispersing light pulses and their applications in nonlinear optics, Femtosecond laser-induced damage, Ultrashort terahertz-pulse generation from fs pulse induced gas plasma, Multiphoton excitation in transparent materials by tunable fs pulses, Nonlinear optical processes in gaseous media based on third-, fifth- and higher-order optical susceptibilities, Study of CEP sensitive phenomena by use of stable phase few cycle pulses); Spectroscopy (Ultrafast pump and probe spectroscopy in wide spectral range, Ultrafast terahertz time domain spectroscopy, LIBS using fs pulses); Material science (Fabrication of 3D micro/nanostructures by multi-photon polymerization with fs pulses tunable in wide spectral range, Micromachining of 2.5D structures by ablation with high reprate fs pulses, Modification and diffraction patterns creation in transparent materials by fs high reprate pulses, Standartized damage threshold measurements).
Ti:Sa laser system (2,5 mJ, 100 fs) with three channel OPA providing pulses as short as15 fs and continuously tuneable in 240-18000nm Nd:glass laser systems (200fs/1 ps) with two channel OPA tunable in 210-18000 nm Nanosecond Nd:YAG laser system (0,75 J) with OPA tunable in 420-2200 nm Yb:KGW laser system (up to 1 mJ, 300 fs, 1-200 kHz) with positioning system “Aerotech” (accuracy: 10 nm; translation speed up to 300 mm/s).