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Hosting Legal Entity
University of Crete
N. Plastira 100, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, PO: 71003, Crete (Greece)
35o 20' N, 25o 40' E, 250 m asl, Finokalia station, ECPL, UoC, Finokalia, PO: 72400, Lassithi (Greece)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1993
Scientific Description
The Finokalia environmental research station of the University of Crete (UoC) is located at a remote coastal site in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and on the northeastern coast of the island of Crete, Greece (35o 20'N, 25o 40'E ). The station lies on the top of a steep hill (250 m asl) by the coastline, facing the sea within the sector 270o to 90o. The nearest urban center is Heraklion with 150 000 inhabitants, 50 km west of Finokalia, and no significant human activities take place at a distance shorter than 15km. The surroundings of the station are mainly covered with phrygana flora and few olive trees. The area is characterized by the existence of two well-distinguished seasons equally distributed throughout the year, the dry season (from April to September) and the wet season (from October to April). Due to its unique location it is considered representative for the regional background conditions of Eastern Mediterranean. The station is operated by the Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory (ECPL) of UoC. Access to the station is free and it is possible on the basis of collaborative action between ECPL and interested groups. The station is part of the ACTRIS Network and reports to the EMEP database.

RI Keywords
Marine chemistry, Crete, Finokalia, Atmospheric physics, Climate, Aerosols, Biogeochemical cycles, Atmospheric composition, Atmospheric pollution, Eastern mediterranean, Atmospheric chemistry
RI Category
Atmospheric Measurement Facilities
Scientific Domain
Earth and Environmental Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Access and support

Access to a fully equiped atmospheric chemistry laboratory, user support, training of young researchers and students.


Total Solar Irradiance, spectroradiometer, JO1D / JNO2 photolysis rates.

Aerosol Optical Properties

Aethalometer (MAGEE SCI) , Nephelometer (M903 - Radiance Research) x 3, Nephelometer (Aurora 1000 - Ecotech).

Aerosol Size Distributions

SMPS, size range 10-880 nm.

Meteorological parameters

Campbell Scientific automated meteorological station ( T, RH, WS, WD, Rain).

Aerosol Chemical Composition

PM10 aerosol sampler ( EC-OC (EUSAAR 2) + ions + metals + PON + P ), VI (Virtual Impactors-ions + metals + PON + P), PM1 sampler( EC-OC (EUSAAR 2) + ions + metals + PON + P ), PILS-IC ( ions (Cl, NO3, SO4, Oxalate, MSA) in PM1, ACSM (AERODYNE RES. INC), PM10 mass measurement (FH 62 I-R Thermo), Radon / Thoron measurement.


Wet Deposition ( ions + metals + PON + P), Dry Deposition (ions + metals + PON + P ).

Gas phase Chemistry

O3 (Thermo 49C, 49i), CO (Thermo 48C), NOx (with BLC) (Thermo 42C).

European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET)
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)
Date of last update: 11/06/2019
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