Chalmers University of Technology
Solid Earth Observatories, including Seismological Monitoring Stations
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Data is made avilable through the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC).
Data is made available through the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP).
Access to the radio telescope as a single dish including logistical, technological and scientific support. VLBI observations (geo and astro) mainly through EVN and IVS.
Access to the radio telescope including logistical, technological and scientific support.
Data is made available through The International GNSS Service (IGS) and SWEPOS.
Access to LOFAR through the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT).
Astronomical VLBI observations mainly through EVN.
GNSS receiver to monitor motions in Earth's crust.
Radio telescope with 12 m dish and alt-azimuth mounting, frequency range 0.2 - 1.4 THz, max. angular resolution 4-30 arcsec.
Radio telescope with 20 m dish and alt-azimuth mounting, frequency range 2 - 120 GHz, max. angular resolution (as a single dish) 32- 1900 arcsec. Spectrometers and VLBI back-end.
Array with a total of 192 antennas. The Low Band Antennas (LBA) covers the frequency range 20 - 80 MHz, and the High Band Antenna tiles (HBA) covers 120 - 240 MHz.
Superconducting gravimeter of type GWR 054, to monitor temporal changes of gravity.
Radio telescope with 25 m dish and equatorial mounting, frequency range 1 - 7.5 GHz, used for astronomical VLBI.
Radiomenters for the frequencies 22 GHz and 110-116 GHz to monitor gases in Earth's atmosphere.