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Pulsed Laser Center (CLPU)
Hosting Legal Entity
Center for Ultrashort Ultraintense Pulsed Lasers
Villamayor, PO: 37185, Salamanca (Spain)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2008
Scientific Description
The Center for Ultrashort Ultraintense Pulsed Lasers (Centro de Láseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos, CLPU) is a national facility specialized in femtosecond laser pulses with peaks powers at Gigawatt, Terawatt and Petawatt levels. The object of the facility is to serve both the scientific community and the industry by providing access to state-of-the art high powerlasers, as well as advice, through collaborative research. Our facilities are open to national and international users. This RI is an ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructure), included in the Spanish National Roadmap for RIs.

RI Keywords
Ultraintense, Laser, Ultrashort, Pulse, Femtosecond
RI Category
Intense Light Sources
Scientific Domain
Chemistry and Material Sciences
(Building M3) Lab. 3 Carrier envelope phase (CEP) stabilised femtosecond laser.

This laser system is dedicated to experiments of strong-field atomic and molecular physics in the few-cycle pulse regime, attosecond science, high harmonic generation and XUV radiation applications.

(Building M5) VEGA laser system III (PW)

The scientific interests of the petawatt laser system VEGA are: plasma physcis, laboratory astrophysics, electron and ion acceleration, laser induced nuclear processes and vacuum polarization.

(Building M3) Lab. 2 High repetition rate femtosecond laser

The beam of this laser system can be divided to service multiple work stations for: microprocessing of materials, micromachining, laser cleaning, microanalysis of surfaces, electron acceleration and X-ray generation.

(Building M3) Lab. 4 VEGA laser system I (20 TW) and VEGA laser system II (200 TW)

The scientific interests of the phase I (20 TW) of the VEGA laser system are: non linear propagation, attoseconds science and surface HHG. The scientific interests of phase II are: electron and ion acceleration and relativistic filamentation.

(Building M3) Lab. 1 Mechatronics workshop and microscopy

The mechatronics laboratory is a fusion of mechanical and electronic workshops. It has been created to serve the laser users at CLPU as well as the companies based in the Scientific Park of University of Salamanca. In the future it will also serve other institutions related with laser technology. The microscopy laboratory provides high resolution microscopy with nanoscale precision.

Lab 1. Vertical continuous-five-axes-milling machine

It can produce pieces of high complexity, from opto-mechanical mounts to customized prototypes.

Lab 1. Drilling machine, lathe…

All of them for the fabrication of tailor-made complex devices.

(Building M5) VEGA phase III (PW)

This laser system has a pulse duration of 25 femtoseconds with a pulse energy of 30 Jules and a repetition rate of 1 Hz or single shot.

Lab 1. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

The AFM provides an image resolution below one nanometer (in z-scale of topography mode) over a maximum scanning area of 80 x 80 mm.

Lab 1. Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM)

The SEM provides a resolution below 5 nm with magnifications up to one million times.

Lab 3. Carrier envelope phase (CEP) stabilised femtosecond laser

This laboratory is equuipped with a 1 kHz Titanium:Sapphire CPE laser system delivering 2 mJ in 20 fs pulses, or 0.6 mJ in 6 fs after post-compression, with carrier envelope phase control stabilization.

Lab 4. VEGA phase II (200 TW)

This system has a pulse energy of 5 Jules, 25 femtoseconds of duration and 10 Hz repetition rate.

Lab 4. VEGA phase I (20 TW)

Titanium:Sapphire CPA laser system operating at 10 Hz repetition rate with a pulse energy of 500 mJ and 25 femtoseconds duration.

Lab 2. CPA laser system

It is a Titanium:sapphire CPA laser system operating at 1 kHz repetition rate witha pulse energy of 7 mJ and 120 femtoseconds of duration.

LAsers for Applications at Accelerators: A Marie Curie Initial Training NETwork
SAUUL (Science and Applications of ultrafast and ultraintense lasers)
Date of last update: 21/06/2013
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