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Estonian Research and Education Optical Backbone Network (TBA)
Hosting Legal Entity
Information Technology Foundation for Education
Raekoja plats 14, Tartu, PO: 51004 (Estonia)
Raekoja plats 14, Tartu, PO: 51004 (Estonia)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Being upgraded since 2004
Scientific Description
Backbone network based on optical carrier, developed by EENet, covers most of the Estonian counties and is connected to the European academic network GÉANT that connects over 8000 European research and educational institutions. Optical backbone is used by research institutions, universities, educational and cultural institutions. Newly developed network, started in 2011, will be a significantly faster, more reliable and easily extensible network than the existing one. Two alternative routes will be in operation for all essential segments of the backbone. Using optical cross-border connections, the planned optical backbone will enable closer research cooperation between the Baltic and Nordic countries. This new infrastructure ensures high-quality access to modern data communications for all the Estonian research institutions regardless of their geographical location. EENet's connectivity service is currently used by more than 50 research institutions and universities and ca 250 other academic institutions in Estonia. The new infrastructure ensures high-quality access to modern data communications for all the Estonian research institutions and is essential for Estonian research infrastructure projects (ETAIS, NATARC, CLARIN, Kkobs, SIME etc).

RI Keywords
Fibre-optic infrastructure, Fibre-optics, Networking, Optical network
RI Category
Communication Networks
Scientific Domain
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Information Science and Technology
Biological and Medical Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Social Sciences
Engineering and Energy
Humanities and Arts
ESFRI Domain
Internet Connectivity

The 10 Gbps optical backbone will have two alternative routes and can easily and inexpensively be expanded. On the basis of the newly developed infrastructure, it will be possible to create specific solutions for data communications for both research institutions and international collaboration projects within the GÉANT network on the level of GÉANT optical cloud and its additional services.

Optical fibres and network equipment

10Gbps connectivity links are used on the optical backbone with the network equipment: switches, optical modules, sets and components. Fibre optic network is owned by Indefeasible Rights of Use for 10 years.

Date of last update: 22/03/2017
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