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Hosting Legal Entity
German Electron Synchrotron
Notkestr. 85, DESY, Hamburg, PO: 22607 (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1988
Scientific Description
DESY operates a test beam facility with three test beam lines. These electron or positron beams are converted bremsstrahlung beams from carbon fibre targets in the electron-positron synchrotron DESY II with up to 8000 particles per cm² and second, energies from 1 to 6 GeV, an energy spread of ~5% and a divergence of ~1mrad.Access to Test Beam at DESY has been supported by EC via EUDET/FP6 and AIDA/FP7.

RI Keywords
Detector test, Test beam, High energy physics
RI Category
High Energy Physics Facilities
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Access to Test Beams

Technical and scientific support to users during experiments, support to processing of the measurements, installation. The beam areas are surrounded by shielding blocks and are equipped such that flammable gases could be used in the tests. Guest houses, gas supply, chemistry laboratories, electronic and mechanical workshops, libraries and sample environment infrastructures are open to support users.

Test Beams

3 beamlines with electrons from 1-6 GeV, fully controllable by the user and additionally: 4 experimental areas for user setups 3 associated counting rooms. 2 Pixel beam telescopes to provide an precise measurement of the incoming particle tracks 1 Tesla large-bore solenoid for tests in a magnetic field 1.2 Tesla dipole Several translation and rotation stages to mount user setups Scintillator triggers Gas safety system.

Date of last update: 23/03/2017
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