Abisko Scientific Research Station provides: Chemistry, wet, dry, and earth sciences laboratories; Refrigeration and freezer storage rooms; Green house; Experimental gardens; Extensive field site areas - permafrost areas, mires, moors, birch forests, mountains, and lakes of various sizes; Boat for work on the Lake Torneträsk; Accommodation for up to 90 people. Field huts.
There are three vehicles available for hire at the station: two station wagons and a minibus. You can book them at the reception. We urge you to coordinate the hire and use of cars so that we can offer transportation to more users. You should be aware that the station staff may require the use of cars or may give other users priority, so if you absolutely need a car during your visit, we recommend that you rent one at Kiruna Airport.
Abisko Scientific Research Station has a total of five field huts that you can book. Myrvillan in Stordalen is mainly used as a day shelter and for equipment storage. North of Torneträsk there are two huts, at Jieprenkiedde and Lullihatjårro. To the west of Abisko, there are huts at Latnajaure and in Kärkevagge. All field huts offer simple accommodation.
If there is anything you want to store outside your accommodation, you need to arrange this with the station staff – this includes samples in the refrigerator and freezer rooms. Anything you want to store needs to be labelled and registered. The reason for this is that we sometimes need to reorganize the storage to allow for cleaning and maintenance, as well as making sure that things are not left behind and forgotten about. At the end of the season (late October/early November) we will make an inventory of all spaces, i.e. offices, labs, storage rooms, lockers, freezer, fridges etc. Any unmarked/unregistered items may then be removed for destruction – including unmarked samples!
On the upper floor of the B building, there are four smaller work/meeting rooms. You are welcome to use these for office work if they are not booked for conferences etc. Wi-Fi is available in the B building. On the first and ground floors of the A building there are offices that can be assigned to research projects. The use of these offices will be planned on a season-by-season basis by the station management. If you need a private office, you should make sure that you include this in your application.
On the first floor of the A building, there are chemistry, microscopy and plant labs that are used as shared labs, as are the two geology labs on the ground floor: they are free to use by anyone staying at the research station. However, for co-ordination purposes, you must inform us of such needs beforehand. Once at the station, you should also use the booking lists on the laboratory entrance doors when you want to work there. On the ground floor of the A building there are a few labs that can be assigned to research projects. The use of these labs will be planned on a season-by-season basis by the station management. If you need private lab space, you should make sure that you include this in your application.
Number | Year |
300 | 2017 |