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Institute for Medical Immunology (IMI)
Hosting Legal Entity
Free University of Brussels
Rue Adrienne Bolland, 8, Gosselies, PO: 6041 (Belgium)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2004
Scientific Description
The Institute for Medical Immunology (IMI) is a research institute of the Medical Faculty of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). It was created in 2004 by Michel Goldman, upon establishing a partnership with an industrial partner (GSK Biologicals) and the Walloon Region. This “Private –Public Partnership” has provided sufficient financial support allowing the relocation of the former “Laboratoire d’Immunologie Expérimentale” (previously located in the University Hospital campus (ULB, Campus Erasme, Brussels) into new facilities within the BioPark, in Gosselies (Charleroi).The Institute is located in the BioPark of Charleroi-Brussels South where the major biomedical research infrastructures of the Université Libre de Bruxelles have been established since 1999. It currently encompasses 800 m2 of laboratory surfaces including a biosafety level III unit. Equipment is organized into technology platforms dedicated to flow cytometry, cell culture, molecular biology, and micro-surgery. The Institute benefits from a highly stimulating environment comprising basic research Institutes dedicated to Molecular Biology (IBMM, ULB) and multimodal molecular imaging (CMMI, ULB and UMons) and “ImmuneHealth” a clinical research center supported by the Walloon Region and integrating a clinical investigation unit and an immunomonitoring laboratory. The Institute provides therefore a unique environment for the apprenticeship of young investigators and post-docs in the field of Clinical and Molecular Immunology.

RI Keywords
Immunology, Molecular biology, Flow cytometry, Vaccinology, Biochemistry
RI Category
Genomic, Transcriptomic, Proteomics and Metabolomics Facilities
Scientific Domain
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Health and Food
Date of last update: 04/09/2018
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