Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht, PO: 3584 CS (Netherlands)
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Structural Biology Facilities
Chemistry and Material Sciences
The solid state NMR infrastructure at the Bijvoet Center of Utrecht University has a 950 MHz narrow-bore, a 500 MHz wide-bore, a 700 MHz narrow-bore spectrometer and 400 MHz and 800 MHz narrow bore spectrometers with the possibility to perform DNP experiments.
Developed by the NMR spectroscopy group at the Bijvoet Center of Utrecht University, several web portals provide access to powerful software packages ported. A wide range of structural biology related software packages are available covering the many stages in NMR structure calculation, molecular dynamics simulations and structure modelling.
The solution state NMR infrastructure at the Bijvoet Center of Utrecht University group consists of a 950 MHz, a 900 MHz, a 750 MHz, two 600 MHz and a 500 MHz NMR spectrometer completely up to date with respect to current and future needs of high resolution NMR. The 950, 900 and one of the 600 MHz spectrometers are equipped with cryprobe systems for enhanced sensitivity. The 500 MHz spectrometer can be equipped with a laser system for light-related experiments.
The facility hosts about 50000 CPU-cores and 200 TB of storage for distributed computing purposes related to structural biology.