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Hosting Legal Entity
University of Strasbourg
University of Savoy
Grenoble University
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Gif-sur-yvette cedex, PO: 91191 (Undefined)
University of Lyon
University of Montpellier
Pierre and Marie Curie University
Clermont-Ferrand University
University of Paris-Sud
University of Toulouse
French National Center for Scientific Research / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
3 Michel-Ange street, CNRS, Paris, PO: 75794, Ile-de-France (France)
Lille University
Marseille University
Bordeaux University
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2010
Under construction since 2012
Scientific Description
France Grilles operates a multidisciplinary national Distributed Computing Infrastructure (DCI) open to all sciences and to developing countries. This DCI is an open space for collaborations within and across disciplines and organizations. France Grilles is operated since 2010 as a Scientific Interest Group by 8 organizations including the French ministry of Research and Higher Education.

RI Keywords
Grid computing, Multidisciplinary, Scientific computing, National grid initiatives, Distributed computing, Data analysis, Cloud computing, High throughput computing
RI Category
Distributed Computing Facilities
Scientific Domain
Social Sciences
Information Science and Technology
Biological and Medical Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Training sessions for users and system administrators

France Grilles shares its knowledge and know-how by providing training to users of Grid or Cloud Computing. Training is available in French and English. The possibility exists to adapt the trainings to the specific needs of the site or scientific community. Training is open to GIS partners, other research agencies or the private sector.

Access to DIRAC services

The DIRAC service based on the FG-DIRAC instance provides its users with a general solution to access resources, manage computing and distributed data through a user friendly web interface. It is currently available for the members of several VOs. The DIRAC software site includes a MP4 version of a webex Webinar about DIRAC (DIRAC for VREs.mp4, 25.3 MB) and related slides (DIRAC_EGI_Webinar.pdf, 5.5 MB). Access to DIRAC is provided to members of a VO supported by FG-DIRAC.

Access to iRODS Services

The iRODS service offers to users storage space based on the iRODS software, which provides virtualised storage. The service allows to: - create collections of data and manage them easily; - ensure high data availability via data distribution or replication over several locations; - organise the data catalogue independently from the physical placement of the data on the storage servers; - search for data sets via a metadata catalogue which dynamically keeps track of the data file information and the file description; - implement a fine-grained access control; - ease the management of large datasets by automatically applying rules for data access and management which can be defined individually for each user; this procedure facilitates administrative task and reinforces the security and the integrity of the data; - access the data remotely, from desktops, grids and clouds. This service is offered through the mutualised FG-iRODS platform. It is available to members of the Virtual Organisation (VO) VO. This service is aimed at users (individuals or groups) from any scientific field with storage or data management needs. Through the iRODS service, FR-Grilles also provides user support to get new users started with iRODS and with the design of the data management flow for their projects. - iRODS software site.

Access to resources on grid and cloud distributed infrastructures

Services are offered by France Grilles partners or Virtual Organisations (VOs) and they run on France Grilles / EGI infrastructure. User profiles include: Researchers / engineers or groups of them, scientific community or project collaboration to meet computing or stockage requirements in order to process scientific that might be distributed; Virtual Organisations in order to provide their users with the service (mutualisation); Scientific portals managers in order to provide their users with a user friendly access to the infrastructures; Teachers and professors (Higher Education) in order to help them to teach their students distributed computing on a real infrastructure.

Grid production infrastructure

includes:- 18 production sites,- Close to 32,000 logical CPUs,- 32 PB worth of storage.Those resources place France Grilles as on of the largest resource providers of the European Grid Infrastructure EGI. More information on,123.

Cloud production infrastructure

France Grilles is currently working on setting up a federated cloud infrastructure in order to offer an IAAS service to its users. This federation is based on three pilot sites : Stratuslab, LAL/GRIF, Orsay, Production Plateforme Cloud IPHC; Strasbourg, Production Plateforme Cloud CC-IN2P3: Villeurbanne : Preproduction CloudMIP, IRIT; Toulouse, Preproduction. The work is carried on by a technical Cloud Group within France Grilles operations. More information on

European Grid Infrastructure (EGI)
Date of last update: 27/04/2015
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