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ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (ISIS)
Hosting Legal Entity
Self-standing RI
Legal Status
Research organisation
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, PO: OX11 0QX, Oxfordshire (United Kingdom)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
United Kingdom
Current Status:
Operational since 1985
Operational since 1985
Scientific Description
ISIS provides neutron and muon beams used to study the structure and dynamics of materials at the atomic and molecular level. The suite of over 30 neutron and muon instruments enables pure and applied science across a broad range of scientific fields, from physics and chemistry, through biological and material sciences to earth sciences, pharmacology and engineering. Neutrons are produced from two target stations, the second of which started operations in 2008 and is optimised for advanced materials, soft matter and bioscience studies. ISIS is unique in Europe as a pulsed source of neutrons and muons. It is open to university and industrial researchers from the UK, Europe and beyond, and has a variety of access mechanisms including one specifically for industrial users.

RI Keywords
Material characterisation, Accelerators, Engineering, Physics, Biochemistry, Biosciences, Advanced materials, Energy research materials, Atomic structure and dynamics, Neutrons, Synchrotron, Chemistry, Functional materials, Spallation, Muons, Archeometry
RI Category
Intense Neutron Sources
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Biological and Medical Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Engineering and Energy
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Access to muons

Muon spectrometers for condensed matter and molecular studies.

Access to neutrons

Neutron spectrometers, diffractometers, reflectometers.

Training in neutron and muon techniques

A variety of training courses and training during experiments.

Neutron instruments

Spectrometers, diffractometers, reflectometers, small angle instruments.

Muon instruments

Muon spectrometers for condensed matter and molecular studies.

Ancialliary equipment

Lab-based physical and chemical characterisation techniques available.

Sample environment equipment

A wide range of equipment for providing variable temperatures, pressures, fields, etc, plus equipment for in-situ studies.

Access Type
Physical, Mail-in
Access Mode
Excellence Driven
Number of Users
Number Year
1,500 2017
Users Definition
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020
Date of last update: 20/05/2019
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