University of Zaragoza
Information Science and Technology
Social Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Biological and Medical Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Engineering and Energy
Applications related to different scientific topics are currently available for new researchers to use: * AUDIVERIS * AUTODOCK * AUTODOCK VINA * BLENDER * BNB-GRID * BINSYS * Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) * CLASSIFICATION * CORSIKA * DSP * EMMIL (E-Marketplace Model Integrated with Logistics) * LASERAC * MERLIN * SIMAP * TINKER –Software Tools for Molecular Design * UC-Explorer * VISIVO * XRAY.
Ibercivis development team supports new research groups porting their applications so that they can be executed on BOINC in different platforms (Linux,Windows and MacOSX).
Ibercivis is currently supported by 15 computers distributed between Spain and Portugal according to the following structure: * 6 computers at BIFI, Zaragoza, Spain; * 2 computers at FCCN, Lisbon, Portugal; * 5 computers at Ceta-Cimea,Trujillo, Spain; * 1 computer in CSIC, Madrid, Spain; and * 1 computer in RedIRIS, Madrid, Spain.
Citizens personal computers. With more than 30,000 registered volunteers, Ibercivis has sustained a processing rate of about 2.3 TeraFLOPS in 4 years. On average 11,000 cores are active every week.