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Hosting Legal Entity
Self-standing RI
Postbox 3306, BPRC, Rijswijk, PO: 2280 GH (Netherlands)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 1994
Scientific Description
BPRC is an not-for-profit scientific research institute that exists to perform vital research contributing to the identification and development of new therapies and medicines for human diseases using non-human primate (NHP) models. BPRC houses self-sustaining breeding colonies and non-human primates are only used for biomedical research for life-threatening or debilitating diseases when they provide the most suited animal model and when no alternatives are possible. BPRC has also an active and expanding program dedicated to the development of alternatives (3 R’s) for the use of NHP. BPRC is AAALAC accredited. BPRC is an independent foundation that receives funding from the Dutch government, via peer-reviewed grants from the EU, scientific foundations and charities and via precompetitive research with developers of therapeutics and vaccines. BPRC is partner in the European Vaccine Inititive (EVI) and EATRIS. Current research projects include infectious diseases, such as malaria, TB, HIV, Influenza and emerging infections, immune-related disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and MS and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer. BPRC has also an extensive genetics program and a program on social behaviour and ethology.
RI Keywords
Auto-immune diseases, Therapeutics, Debilitating and life-threatening diseases, Neurodegenerative diseases, Non-human primates, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Vaccines
RI Category
Translational Research Centres
Scientific Domain
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Health and Food
Access to a Bio-Bank
BPRC Bio Bank of rare and valuable primate specimens.
Tissue Analysis
Colony Management
Conservation Biology
Veterinary Advice
Primate Bacterial and Parasitic Diagnostics
Viral Diagnostics
Date of last update: 20/12/2017