University of Patras
University Campus- Rio, PATRAS, PO: 26500 (Greece)
High-Yield expression of recombinant proteins for structural and functional studies. 15N, 13C & 2H uniform, selective and segmental labeling of proteins for NMR stduies. Purification of proteins and physicochemical Characterization
NMR targeted and non-targeted metabolomics
Solution structure detrmination using NMR data and NMR-driven interaction studies monitored through 2D 1H-15N HSQC experiments. Secondary structure studies through Circular Dichroism
A crystallization robot, unique in UPAT, is expected to provide new possibilities for crystallization trials and enhance efforts in Structure determination of proteins in crystals through X-ray diffraction.
700 MHz NMR spectrometer with a cryogenically cooled probe for enhanced sensitivity and four channels, in concert with uniformly or selectively enriched recombinant proteins (in 13C, 15N and 2H), allows the set up of various applications in the field of structural biology and drug design.
The UPAT’s upgraded Confocal Microscopy Facility, is up to our knowledge unique in Greece for its capacities, properties and applications. This set up will allow the integration of the information gained on drug-target structures following their functional characterization. Insights from structural determination will be validated in live cells, to allow an understanding of how the biomolecule tested affects basic cellular pathways at the molecular levels. In addition, novel bioactive molecules will be evaluated for their efficacy in modulating protein target function and its signaling pathways.
State of the art Circular Dichroism spectrometer, with capabilities for thermal unfolding/refolding of proteins