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Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMSC)
Hosting Legal Entity
Umeå University
Norrbyn, Umeå Marine Sciences Centre, Umeå, PO: 90571 (Sweden)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2007
Scientific Description
Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF) is a research centre at Umeå University, organised under the Faculty of Science and Technology and situated in Norrbyn, 40 kilometres south of Umeå. UMF supports marine research and education, and performs environmental analysis on commission of swedish environmental monitoring. We also provide information about research and environmental status, with a particular focus on the Gulf of Bothnia. One of the two mesocosm facilities at UMSC consists of 12 indoor cylindrical mesocosms with water columns 4.86m high and 74cm in diameter. The temperature is controlled at three different sections on each mesocosm. This means that they can be used in projects that require thermoclines or convective stirring, or even both simultaneously. The rate of convective stirring can be controlled.Methal halogen lamps of 150W are used as light sources. Equipment is available to allow for studies that require intact sediment at the bottom of each mesocosm. This includes a semi-automatic sediment sampler. The intake water can either be pumped in directly from the sea, or transported from elsewhere. There is equipment to filter the intake water down to 1 micron.There are also a facility that consist of 24 outdoor mesocosms. These are cubic and carry 946 liters each. The mesocosms are placed in four different pools with running, temperature controlled water. A plastic light-dispersing roof is placed over the pools and mesocosms. Both mesocosm facilities are open to the scientific community.

RI Keywords
Outdoor, Thermocline, Temperature control, Sediment, Laboratories, UMSC, Filter, Indoor, Convective stirring, Mesocosms
RI Category
In situ Marine/Freshwater Observatories
Scientific Domain
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Biological and Medical Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Additional laboratory infrastructure

Several laboratories of different size are available. There are four climate rooms, one of which is equipped with a Hepa-filter. Chemical analysis of e.g. nutrients, DOC and elemental analysis can be ordered. There are also boats available in case samples need to be collected from the gulf of Bothnia. A well-equipped workshop with trained personnel can be used to produce tailor-made laboratory equipment. An old rebuilt school is used for hosting researchers from elsewhere.

Laboratory equipment

Instrumentation such as spectrophotometer, spectrofluorometer, scintillation-counter, microscopes, a large plankton-wheel and basic laboratory equipment.

Date of last update: 17/03/2017
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