Max Planck Society
On an annual basis a call for participation in the scientific programme of ASDEX Upgrade is launched. Scientists in particular from EURATOM Associations but also from international fusion labs are invited to conduct experiments on ASDEX Upgrade.
Ip =1.6MA , Bt=3.1T , R=1.65m, a=0.5m, V= 14 m3, pulse duration (10s @ 1.2MA) up to 5 current redistribution times; Plasma facing materials: tungsten coated carbon tiles;Heating systems: NBI(20MW/10s), ICRH(8MW/10s), ECRH-I(2MW/2s) ECRH-II(4MW/10s/105&140GHz); in total 30 MW -> P/R ratio close to ITER value;Diagnostics: 58;Pellet injection systems for fuelling & ELM pacing (centrifuge: 80 Hz, 130 pellets);Routinely used disruption mitigation systems.