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ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak (Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment) (ASDEX Upgrade)
Hosting Legal Entity
Max Planck Society
Boltzmannstraße 2, Garching, PO: 85748, Bavaria (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1991
Scientific Description
ASDEX Upgrade is a large experimental device for exploring the concept of magnetic confinement of a high temperature plasma. It is a divertor tokamak of medium size with a fusion reactor relevant cross-section, which is an essential prerequisite for its relevance to the preparation of a future fusion reactor like DEMO. The first wall of ASDEX Upgrade is fully covered with tungsten, a reactor relevant material. ASDEX Upgrade is equipped with a versatile heating and current drive system, including all three day-one systems foreseen for ITER. It has a relatively large total power installed (30 MW, in total) realising ITER relevant power fluxes to the divertor. ASDEX Upgrade also has a large set of diagnostics allowing physics studies with high temporal and spatial resolution. Thus, the aim of the ASDEX Upgrade programme is to prepare the physics base for ITER and DEMO. ASDEX Upgrade is Germany's largest fusion device and one of the leading fusion experiments worldwide. It is operated by the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Garching (close to Munich, Germany) since 1991. The IPP is associated with the European Fusion Programme and the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.

RI Keywords
Thermonuclear fusion, Magnetic confinement, Plasma physics, Tokamak
RI Category
Nuclear Research Facilities
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Participation in experimental campaigns of ASDEX Upgrade

On an annual basis a call for participation in the scientific programme of ASDEX Upgrade is launched. Scientists in particular from EURATOM Associations but also from international fusion labs are invited to conduct experiments on ASDEX Upgrade.

ASDEX Upgrade: Tokamak with three heating systems and a full set of plasma diagnostics

Ip =1.6MA , Bt=3.1T , R=1.65m, a=0.5m, V= 14 m3, pulse duration (10s @ 1.2MA) up to 5 current redistribution times; Plasma facing materials: tungsten coated carbon tiles;Heating systems: NBI(20MW/10s), ICRH(8MW/10s), ECRH-I(2MW/2s) ECRH-II(4MW/10s/105&140GHz); in total 30 MW -> P/R ratio close to ITER value;Diagnostics: 58;Pellet injection systems for fuelling & ELM pacing (centrifuge: 80 Hz, 130 pellets);Routinely used disruption mitigation systems.

Date of last update: 08/06/2017
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