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Berlin Research Reactor (BER II)
Hosting Legal Entity
Helmholtz Association
Albert-Einstein-Str 11, BESSY II, Berlin, PO: 12489 (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1993
Scientific Description
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie HZB operates two large scale research facilities: the upgraded medium flux research reactor BER II on the Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee and the third generation synchrotron source BESSY II on the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus in Berlin-Adlershof. Those research facilities are designed to serve researchers from universities, foreign research institutions and industry.The neutron facility BER II offers a large suite of continuously renewed instruments for neutron scattering, spectroscopy and imaging with both thermal and cold neutrons. Unique research opportunities are provided by a continuously expanded world-leading sample environment for complex neutron experiments under extreme conditions, e.g. at highest magnetic fields and lowest temperatures. The facility has an open access policy and offers free use to all scientific researchers.

RI Keywords
Magnetics, Structure determination, Biophysics, Material sciences, Neutron imaging, Polarised neutrons, Surface structure, Neutron scattering
RI Category
Intense Neutron Sources
Scientific Domain
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Engineering and Energy
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie HZB operates two large scale research facilities: the upgraded medium flux research reactor BER II on the Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee and the third generation synchrotron source BESSY II on the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus in Berlin-Adlershof. In addition, it is home to a number of state-of-the-art on-site laboratories and user facilities. All those research facilities are designed to serve researchers from universities, foreign research institutions and industry. Regular open access is the standard route to apply for beamtime at HZB. Two calls for proposals each year with deadlines 1 March and 1 September are offered. All regular access proposals are reviewed by an international HZB Scientific Selection Panel (SSP). Beamtime under regular access at HZB is free of charge for national and international academic users, provided that the results from experiments at HZB will be published in the public domain. More detailed information is given at

High field magnets
Single crystal and powder diffractometers
Laboratory for gas adsorption measurements
Enhanced sample environment
Colloid laboratory (SLS, DLS, DDLS, cryo-TEM)
Laboratory for magnetic measurements
Tomography/Radiography stations
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)
3-Axis and TOF spectrometers
Sample preparation laboratories
Stress & Strain/Textures tools
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe
Science Link
Date of last update: 21/12/2017
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