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Berlin Electron Storage Ring for SYnchrotron Radiation (BESSY II)
Hosting Legal Entity
Helmholtz Association
Albert-Einstein-Str 11, BESSY II, Berlin, PO: 12489 (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1998
Scientific Description
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie HZB operates two large scale research facilities: the upgraded medium flux research reactor BER II on the Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee and the third generation synchrotron source BESSY II on the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus in Berlin-Adlershof. Those research facilities are designed to serve researchers from universities, foreign research institutions and industry. The storage ring BESSY II provides ultrabright photon beams from the Terahertz region to hard X-rays with complete control of the polarization of the radiation and energy range. More than 50 beamlines offer a multi-faceted mixture of experimental opportunities at undulator, wiggler and dipole sources with excellent energy resolution. The combination of brightness and time resolution makes BESSY II the ultimate microscope for space and time, since both femtosecond time and nanometer spatial resolutions are available.The synchrotron radiation source BESSY II provides 25% of the XUV-infrastructure in Europe and because of the radiometry activities of the Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt, BESSY II is the European calibration standard for electromagnetic radiation.

RI Keywords
Transmission X-ray microscopy, Macromolecular crystallography, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering, Synchrotron radiation, Interferometry, Magnetic X-ray scattering, IR/THz-microscopy, XUV-diffraction, X-ray tomography, Reflectometry, Photoelectron spectroscopy
RI Category
Intense Light Sources
Scientific Domain
Engineering and Energy
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie HZB operates two large scale research facilities: the upgraded medium flux research reactor BER II on the Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee and the third generation synchrotron source BESSY II on the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen- Campus in Berlin-Adlershof. Those research facilities are designed to serve researchers from universities, foreign research institutions and industry. The neutron facility BER II offers a large suite of continuously renewed instruments for neutron scattering, spectroscopy and imaging with both thermal and cold neutrons. Unique research opportunities are provided by a continuously expanded world-leading sample environment for complex neutron experiments under extreme conditions, e.g. at highest magnetic fields and lowest temperatures. The facility has an open access policy and offers free use to all scientific researchers.


HZB offers a large variety of methods and experimental techniques involving 43 experimental stations at BESSY II and a large number of experimental stations in a broad energy range and polarisation of the photon beam available. Users who are unsure about which is the most appropriate beamline or experimental station for their experiment should contact the User Office for help. In addition, HZB offers the users the unique possibility for bringing their own equipment to several of the beamlines.

Coordinated Access to Lightsources to Promote Standards and Optimization (CALIPSO)
Science Link
Date of last update: 28/02/2019
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