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Positron-Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator (PETRA III)
Hosting Legal Entity
German Electron Synchrotron
Notkestr. 85, DESY, Hamburg, PO: 22607 (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 2012
Being upgraded
since 2014
to 2017
Scientific Description
PETRA III at DESY is a high brilliance 3rd-Generation Synchrotron Radiation Source with a circumference of 2.3 km. PETRA III is the biggest and most brilliant electron-storage ring light source in the world with the particle energy of 6 GeV which is a compromise between achieving a small horizontal emittance of 1.0 nm rad and providing high photon flux in the energy range of 50–150 keV. Since the end of 2012 all 14 beamlines with up to 30 instruments are available for users.PETRA III operation is financed 90% by the German and 10% by the regional governments of Hamburg and Brandenburg.Access to PETRA III for European users has been supported by the European Commission via Biostruct X, ELISA and CALIPSO under FP7.
RI Keywords
Structural biology, Nano-science, X-ray imaging, Accelerators, X-ray science and technology, Material sciences, Photon spectroscopy and diffraction, Condensed matter science, Synchrotron radiation source
RI Category
Structural Biology Facilities
Intense Light Sources
Analytical Facilities
Intense Light Sources
Analytical Facilities
Scientific Domain
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Biological and Medical Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Humanities and Arts
Information Science and Technology
Engineering and Energy
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Biological and Medical Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Humanities and Arts
Information Science and Technology
Engineering and Energy
Technical and Scientific Users Support
Technical and scientific support to users during experiments, support to processing of the measurements, installation and upgrading of instruments. Guest houses, chemistry laboratories, clean room, mechanical workshops, libraries and sample environment and extreme condition science infrastructures are open to users. The DESY NanoLab is planned as a facility for users providing access to advanced nano-characterization, nanostructuring and nano-synthesis techniques on-site.
Date of last update: 13/03/2017