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Biotechnology Research Center (A.U. BIOTEK)
Hosting Legal Entity
Ankara University
Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara, PO: 06110 (Turkey)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 2005
Scientific Description
The Institute of Biotechnology at Ankara University, the first interdisciplinary graduate school of biotechnology established in Turkey, is a research establishment focusing on health and agricultural bio-tech. Included in the future perspective of the Institute are goals like the development of biosimilar drugs and the identification of novel biomarkers for complex diseases and molecular farming.It was founded to provide sound post-graduate education in biotechnology and thus create the necessary human resources for the area. The Institute, founded as per the Council of Ministers decision number 2002/4749 on 2/9/2002 offers MSc and PhD programs in Basic Biotechnology and an MSc program in Bioinformatics. To date, a total of 160 people have graduated from these programs. As part of its perspective for the next 15 years, the Institute of Biotechnology proposes to use its network of communication and cooperation as a means of setting up a mechanism designed to acquaint its graduates with the emerging biotechnology industry in the country.A total of 73 researchers including professors, post-doctoral fellows, and post-graduate students work as members of nine main study groups at the Central Laboratory of the Institute. Since 2005, the omics research facilities, where advanced projects are being conducted, have been at the disposal of researchers at Ankara University and other institutions who carry out R&D activities.
RI Keywords
Metabolomics, Genomics, Biotechnology, Proteomics
RI Category
Genomic, Transcriptomic, Proteomics and Metabolomics Facilities
Scientific Domain
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Health and Food
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis
De-novo genome sequencing miRNA seq MEDIP seq Amplicon sequencing.
Transcriptome Analyses
Genome-wide gene expression profiling analyses.
Proteomics Analysis
2D gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry.
DNA Sequencing Analyses
Using an automated capillary electrophoresis-based genetic analyzer.
SNP Array Analyses
Genome-wide linkage/association analyses.
Roche GS-FLX Genome Sequencer
Next Generation Sequencing.
Affymetrix Gene Chip
Transcriptomic and genomic analyses.
Mass spectrometry.
Beckman CEQ 8000
DNA Sequencing Analysis.
Date of last update: 17/03/2017