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National Institute for Earth Physics - Romanian Seismic Network (NIEP-RSN)
Hosting Legal Entity
National Institute for Earth Physics
Calugareni 12, National Institute for Earth Physics, Magurele, PO: 077125, Ilfov (Romania)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 2002
Scientific Description
The mission of the National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP) is monitoring of seismic activity in Romania and expansion of the boundaries of scientific knowledge, its creativity and efficiency increase through fundamental and applied researches in Earth physics domain, in general, and seismology domain, in particular. The real-time digital seismic network consists of 86 seismic stations with three components and 2 arrays: BURAR with 12 elements and PLOR with 7 elements. All data recorded by this network are transmitted in real time at NIEP for automatic data processing, analysis and dissemination. Starting with 2002 the modernization of Romania seismic network was based on the installation of new seismic stations in real time. This network consist of digital seismic stations equipped with acceleration sensors (EpiSensor) and velocity sensors (broadband STS2, CMG3ESP, KS2000, CMG40-T or short period SH-1, S13, Mark Product, etc). The remote seismological stations have three-component seismometers for weak motions and three-component accelerometer for strong motion. The primary goal of the real-time seismic network is to provide earthquakes parameters from more broadband stations with high dynamic range in order to compute more rapidly and with better accuracy the location and magnitude of the earthquakes. Seedlink and AntelopeTM program packages are used for real-time (RT) acquisition and data exchange.
RI Keywords
Seismic network, Real time communication, Seismic arrays
RI Category
Solid Earth Observatories, including Seismological Monitoring Stations
Scientific Domain
Earth and Environmental Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Earthquake catalogue, waveforms
Access to earthquake catalogue, waveform data by request.
Broad band sensors, short-period sensors, strong motion instruments
Number of instruments and type: (i) 86 Seismic Stations (BB and SP), (ii) 115 strong motion station, (iii) one seismic array consists of 10 seismic stations, 9 short-period stations (SP) vertical sensors (GS-21res) and one station equipped with BB 3-component sensor (KS 54000)(, (iv) one seismic and strong motion array.
Access Type
Access Mode
Users Definition
Date of last update: 27/03/2019