Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation
Earth and Environmental Sciences
• Development of modern (spectral) non-conventional methods for analytical investigations with applications in environment protection, health, and food security; • Determination of the chemical forms of metals and some specific persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in waste materials, soils, dusts and waters to establish their solubility, pathways and potential bioavailability through components of the environment to food plants, domestic livestock and humans, and possible vertical and lateral migration in the soil/water system; • Development of some innovative processes to determine the genetically modified organisms (GMOs), food quality and functional food; • Development of some innovative processes for the determination of the chemical compounds naturally present in foods, pollutants (PAH, pesticides) and additives (preservatives, synthetic colorants and sweeteners); • Development of service ecosystems • Development of environmental technologies destined to prevent pollution and to rehabilitate the environmental factors, both natural and anthropic; • Development of some modern methods for the assessment and monitoring of environmental factors (sol, air, water, vegetation, food); realization of analytical methods for the preservation and management of natural and artificial resources, and realization of modern methods for the food quality assessment. • Elaboration and development of some innovative processes for the environmental quality assessment and development of technologies for environmental restoration. • Development of modern analytical, green methods (extractive, purification, concentration); • Development of modern, advanced analytical techniques for qualitative and quantitative determination of endocrine disruptors from environment factors; • Elaborating advanced strategies for in-situ and on-site soil / groundwater decontamination such as myco-phytoremediation, the use of locally available natural and modified zeolites and other innovative clean up technologies; • Development of QA/QC systems for remediation performance and total emissions; • Development of Cost/effective technologies for groundwater and soil remediation; • Evaluation of the pollutants potential bioavailability related to crops, livestock and humans, integrating air dispersion modelling techniques based on bioavailable fraction of contaminants rather than total concentration
GC-FID Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector; GC-MS Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Photodiode Array Detection; ICP-OES Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry; ICP-MS Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry; AFS Atomic-Fluorescence Spectrometry;FT IR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry; LC-MS-MS Liquid Chromatogtaphy Mass Spectrometry.