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VetCore - Facility for Research (VetCore)
Hosting Legal Entity
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Veterinärplatz 1, Wien, PO: 1210 (Austria)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2007
Scientific Description
VetCore is a Core facility with five sub-units in the fields of tissue archiving (VetBioBank), imaging from cell to laboratory animal (VetImaging) and the “Omics” sub-units Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics.The Core Facility strives to provide a vibrant and stimulating environment that fosters communication and cooperation across different scientific disciplines, enabling synergies between like-minded investigators to be identified and further developed.The Core Facility functions as a multi-user resource dedicated to the development and application of various higher throughput technologies to aid in the discovery of biological markers. These types of technologies are quite expensive to operate and maintain, making it difficult for individual laboratories to invest in this type of infrastructure. The model for the Core Facility is to be a “one-stop shop" for these technologies providing researchers access to both the tools and our experienced staff.

RI Keywords
Genomics, Imaging, Transcriptomics, Biobanks, Proteomics
RI Category
Genomic, Transcriptomic, Proteomics and Metabolomics Facilities
Collections of Biological Resources (e.g. Microorganisms, Biobanks and Seed Banks)
Biomedical Imaging Facilities
Cell Culture Facilities
Scientific Domain
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Health and Food
Access to tools and experienced staff
Date of last update: 17/03/2017
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