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Internet Library Sub-Saharan Africa (ilissAfrica)
Hosting Legal Entity
Frankfurt University
Senckenberganlage 31, German Institute for International Educational Research, Frankfurt am Main, PO: 60486 (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2009
Scientific Description
The "internet library sub-saharan Africa" (ilissAfrica) offers integrated access to relevant scientific information resources on sub-Saharan Africa. ilissAfrica provides a simultaneous search of the following library catalogues: Frankfurt University Library, the African Studies Centre, Leiden/The Netherlands, the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in Uppsala/Sweden and of the Department of Anthropology and African Studies at Mainz University. The search is combined with customised searches in these databases: Africa section of the database World Affairs Online, the Swets database "Online Contents", a database on internet resources with more than 5,000 websites on sub-Saharan Africa, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) and the Colonial Picture Archive with 50.000 digitized historical pictures of Frankfurt University Library and of Sam Cohen Library, Swakopmund/Namibia.ilissAfrica is a project of the Africa Department of the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg in Frankfurt on the Main in cooperation with the GIGA Information Centre: Africa Library in Hamburg. It received initial funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

RI Keywords
Anthropology, International relations, Digital resources, E-humanities, Open-access, African studies, Development studies
RI Category
Research Bibliographies
Research Libraries
Scientific Domain
Social Sciences
Humanities and Arts
Personalised Web Desktop
Access to Expert Database for German Early-Career Researchers in the African Studies
User Demographics
Extra-European Users - 19.0% in 2015
European Users - 21.0% in 2015
National Users - 60.0% in 2015
German African Studies Association
ELIAS - European Librarians in African Studies
Date of last update: 04/05/2018
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