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Hosting Legal Entity
Vienna University of Technology
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, ZID/Freihaus, Wien, PO: 1040 (Austria)
Getreidemarkt 9, Vienna, PO: 1060 (Austria)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2010
Scientific Description
The X-ray center was established for material characterization by X-ray diffraction methods. The laboratory is situated in the center of Vienna within the chemistry and engineering campus "Getreidemarkt", renewed under the Infrastructure project TU University 2015. The lab was initially equiped with existing diffraction instruments from the different institutions of the Vienna University of Technology. The capabilities of the laboratory are accessible for questions related to material characterization in the fields of: qualitative and quantitative phase analysis, X-ray diffraction based stress/strain and texture analysis, single-crystal structure analysis, elemental Analysis.

RI Keywords
Micrometer, Stress/strain analysis, Chemical analysis, Qualitative/quantitative phase analysis, Non-ambient powder diffractometer, Texture analysis, Atomic structure determination, Single crystal, Microdiffraction
RI Category
Analytical Facilities
Scientific Domain
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Chemical analysis measurements

Chemical analysis measurements for projects within and outside TU Vienna (contract work for instutions and industry).

Ambient and non-ambient qualitative/quantitative phase analysis

Ambient and non-ambient qualitative/quantitative phase analysis for projects within TU Vienna; contract work for external institutions and industry; education for students concerning phase analysis.

Atomic structure determination/refinement (service/education)

Training on single crystal structure determination/refinement for students; support for users during refinement of the data; contract work for institutions outside TU Vienna, including industry.

Ambient qualitative/quantitative phase analysis, stress/strain and texture analysis

Ambient qualitative/quantitative phase analysis, stress/strain and texture analysis for projects within TU Vienna; contract work for external institutions and industry; training of students concerning phase analysis, stress/strain and texture analysis (bulk and thin films).

Non-ambient powder diffractometer

The non-ambient diffractometer is mainly used for the analysis of structural changes of polycrystalline materials in different atmospheres or temperatures. The instrument itself is a powder diffractometer in Theta/Theta geometry equipped with a 1d-semiconductor detector or optionally a point detector with an analyser. The rountinely used X-ray radiation is Cu. As non-ambient equippment we provide next to a high temperature device ( 1470K) and a closed cycle-cryostat (> 11K) also a reaction chamber (1170K, 10bar gas pressure). The instrument is accessible to the various faculties of the university, but also to external institutions via cooperation projects or structure determination orders.

Four-circle single crystal diffractometer

The four-circle single crystal diffractometer in Kappa geometry is mainly used for the measurement of single crystal diffraction data sets for the determination and/or refinement of atomic structural models. It is equipped with a CDD detector and runs routinely with Mo X-ray radiation. The samples can be cooled down to liquid nitrogen temperature. The instrument is accessible to the various faculties of the university for structure determination service, but also to external institutions via collaborative projects or structure determination orders.

Powder diffractometer for materials research

The powder diffractometer in vertical theta/theta geometry is mainly used for microdiffraction applications with beam sizes down to 100 micrometer. The instrument provides a parallel beam geometry for stress/strain and texture analysis. A large 2d-detector allows very fast measurements due to the large angle range accessible for one picture. The instrument runs routinely with X-ray Cu radiation.The instrument is accessible to the various faculties of the university, but also to external institutions via cooperation projects or structure determination orders.

X-ray fluorescence spectromter

The X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer is used for the chemical analysis of materials. The detection limits are dependent on the chemical elements and standards down to the parts per million (ppm) or even parts per billion (ppb) range. The materials to be investigated are either pressed powder pellets or melted to glas pellets. The instrument is accessible within the university or via orders from outside institutions.

Ambient powder diffractometer

The powder diffraction instrument at ambient conditions is mainly used for qualitative/quantitative phase analysis concomitant for synthesis work. The instrument is equipped with a 1d semiconductor detector or optionally with a point detector in combination with an analyser. It runs rountinely with X-ray Cu-radiation and an automatic sample changer for 15 samples. The instrument is accessible to the various faculties of the university, but also to external institutions via cooperation projects or structure determination orders.

Three-circle single crystal diffractometer

The three-circle single crystal diffractometer in Kappa geometry is mainly used for the measurement of single crystal diffraction data sets for the determination and/or refinement of atomic structural models. It is equipped with a CDD detector and runs routinely with Mo X-ray radiation. The samples can be cooled down to liquid nitrogen temperature. The instrument is accessible to the various faculties of the university for structure determination service, but also to external institutions via cooperation projects or structure determination orders.

Date of last update: 02/10/2017
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