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Electron Microscopy Laboratory (MicroLab)
Hosting Legal Entity
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Av. Rovisco Pais, IPFN-Complexo, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, PO: 1049-001, Portugal (Portugal)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 1992
Scientific Description
MicroLab - Electron Microscopy Facility - is an electron microscopy laboratory situated at the Alameda campus of the Instituto Superior Técnico, the Engineering School of Lisbon University. Its mission is to provide electron microscopy services to the scientific, medical and industrial communities in the Lisbon area, but it receives users from other regions as well. The laboratory is open for use by faculty and staff of IST, other universities and institutes, clinics, hospitals and commercial and industrial companies with a need for the analytical and characterization services that the lab can provide. It also supports undergraduate and graduate student courses.It is funded by ICEMS (Instituto de Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais e Superfícies), FCT and European projects and through its own revenue. In 2013 it received direct funding from FCT through RNME-National Electron Microscopy Network.The facility was established in 1995 and expanded in 2007 to its present configuration regarding major equipment. This laboratory belongs to RNME-National Electron Microscopy Network.The facility is available both as a user-run facility for authorized independent users and as a service with full technical help, through a web based booking system available at

RI Keywords
EDS, Sample preparation, Transmission electron microscopy, EBSD, Scanning electron microscopy
RI Category
Biomedical Imaging Facilities
Micro- and Nanotechnology facilities
Materials Synthesis or Testing Facilities
Scientific Domain
Engineering and Energy
Biological and Medical Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Support in sample preparation

Support during the process of sample preparation before analysis.

Sample analysis using electron microscopy

Technical and scientific support in the analysis of materials using the equipment available in this facility.

Training of independent users of the equipment

Training of graduate students, PhDs, Postdocs and investigators that require an intensive use of the facility for their work.

Support to industrial users in sample preparation, observation and data analysis

Support to industrial users during the process of sample preparation, observations and also during the interpretation of the data acquired.

FEG-SEM model JEOL JSM-7001F with elemental (EDS) and diffraction pattern (EBSD) analysis

Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope with Schottky (SE) emission, resolution of 1.2 nm at 15kV, equipped with secondary and backscattered electron detectors. It is also equipped with an Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) light elements detector and a system for the detection and processing of electron backscattered diffraction patterns (EBSD) (Oxford INCA 250).

SEM model Hitachi S-2400 with elemental analysis (EDS)

Scanning Electron Microscope with thermionic (W) emission and a resolution of 5nm at 25kV. It is equipped with secondary and backscattered electron detectors, and also with a Silicon Drift Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) detector for light elements (Bruker). Image acquisition is digital (Bruker).

TEM model Hitachi H-8100 with elemental analysis (EDS)

Transmission Electron Microscope with thermionic emission (LaB6) and 200kV acceleration voltage, resolution of 2.7 Å point to point. It is equipped with an Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) light elements detector (ThermoNoran) and a double-tilt Gatan sample-holder for electron diffraction studies (sample tilts 90º in one direction and 60º on the normal direction). Digital image acquisition with a CCD MegaView II bottom-mounted camera.

National Network for Electron Microscopy (RNME)
Date of last update: 06/06/2019
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