Research Center Rez
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
horizontal beams including workplace around reactor column available for own equipment. Neutron beam 6 or 10cm, 1e7 n/cm2/s.
Vertical channels available in neutron flux 1e13-1e14 for samples irradiation.
Five hot cells available at LVR-15 site for post irradiation manipulations - sample repacking, cutting, activity measurement, shipping.
Reactor physics calculations including thermohydraulics, neutronics, dosimetry, safety assessment.
Irradiation and PIE of material samples in experimetnal loops - PWR, BWR conditions including primary circuit chemistry.
Equipped as workshops for post-irradiation manipulations of irradiated samples - remote manipulators, saw and cutting mechines, activity measurement, packing and lifting tools.
semiconductor, scintillator, proportional spectrometry detectors, setups including automatic work benches for fission product scanning.
Cf, AmBe, PuBe for reference neutron measurements.
proton recoil and stilben spectrometers with two-parameter analyzers for mixed neutron and gamma spectrometry.