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Hosting Legal Entity
Research Center Rez
Hlavní 130, Husinec-Řež, PO: 25068 (Czech Republic)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Czech Republic
Current Status:
Operational since 1957
Operational since 1990
Under construction since 1989 to 1990
Scientific Description
The Research Centre operates two experimental reactors: LVR-15 and LR-0. Both installations together with associated research laboratories make up a large-scale integrated infrastructure, ensuring research and development activity in the field of nuclear research, nuclear energy and those who use irradiation. Both reactors are included in the ESFRI roadmap, and the LVR-15 is among the five largest reactors in Europe included within a framework of international co-operation, in which leading research is conducted with world-class results and whose projects are run under the OP VaVpI program (Operational Programme of Research and Development in Innovation). In addition they allow training of research workers, education of students and co-operation with the industrial sector. For this reason the experimental facilities of these reactors are in systematic use by both domestic and international users. The LVR-15 reactor is a light water tank type research reactor placed in a stainless steel vessel under a shielding cover, with forced cooling, IRT-4M fuel and an operating power level of 10 MWt.

RI Keywords
Radionuclide production, Materials research, Neutron diffraction, Neutron physics, Neutrography, Reactor physics, Neutron activation analysis, Research reactor, Surveilance program, Reactor dosimetry
RI Category
Nuclear Research Facilities
Scientific Domain
Engineering and Energy
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Neutron beams

horizontal beams including workplace around reactor column available for own equipment. Neutron beam 6 or 10cm, 1e7 n/cm2/s.

Irradiation services

Vertical channels available in neutron flux 1e13-1e14 for samples irradiation.

Post irradiation manipulations

Five hot cells available at LVR-15 site for post irradiation manipulations - sample repacking, cutting, activity measurement, shipping.

Reactor physics

Reactor physics calculations including thermohydraulics, neutronics, dosimetry, safety assessment.

Material research

Irradiation and PIE of material samples in experimetnal loops - PWR, BWR conditions including primary circuit chemistry.

Hot cells

Equipped as workshops for post-irradiation manipulations of irradiated samples - remote manipulators, saw and cutting mechines, activity measurement, packing and lifting tools.

Gamma spectrometers

semiconductor, scintillator, proportional spectrometry detectors, setups including automatic work benches for fission product scanning.

Neutron sources

Cf, AmBe, PuBe for reference neutron measurements.

Mixed field spectrometers

proton recoil and stilben spectrometers with two-parameter analyzers for mixed neutron and gamma spectrometry.

European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) - Joint Programme on Bioenergy
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe
Date of last update: 18/05/2017
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